I was a ball of nerves last night and this morning. It was our big day to find out what we would be adding to our family. I wasn't nervous to find out that my motherly instinct was right this time, and we indeed were having a boy. I was nervous, because I was afraid of bad news. With the ultrasound almost taking an hour, I am amazed and feel blessed that everything from head to toe checks out on Our Vin. You don't realize all the little things that can/do go wrong until the nurse says something like "his lips and nostrils look great". That hadn't even crossed my mind.
Before she started she asked us what we wanted. Van proudly annouced "I want a BROTHER!" I think that Paul knew in his heart that this would be a boy, but said "I want a girl." We both know that we won't be finished with our family now that Vin is coming, we know that there is a another little girl...as hard as that is for me to say right now. ;)
The ultrasound tech said that Paul was the first man she has seen to want a girl, and not be jumping out of his seat at the news of a boy. Funny that she would say that, because when it was annouced to us that Van was indeed a girl...he did just that...jumped right out of his chair.
Vin is proving to be just like his older sister, because he is extremely active. When you get an apology from the ultrasound tech of "if this is a sign of what is yet to come, I'm sorry!" You know that your baby has got some intense energy! It definitely hasn't started to sink in. I am sure that with a few shopping trips to look for Polo shirts, trucks, and such...we will be ready for Vin with open arms come March.
Yay! Congrats, Evonne!!
Congrats! That is awesome!
I'm so excited for you guys! Boys really ARE fun. Not much different than girl babies at first.. except boys can getcha good during diaper changes :). Be sure to discuss the whole circumcision thing before baby Vin comes, if you haven't already ;). I'm so glad everything is well..It's always such a relief when that ultrasound tech says "everything looks good!"
What GREAT news!! Boys are SO much fun! Have you said what Vin stands for? Now here's looking forward to an awesome delivery!! Just curious, has Van been saying it's a boy all along??
congrats! I am so happy for you. I went shopping for baby boy stuff for my nephew, and there are so many cute baby boy outfits.
Van hasn't been saying boy all along, it was a recent change of heart. =)
Vin stands for something, but we aren't sure the name will stick now that we know for sure it's a boy. BUT on my blog it will always be Vin no matter what name we choose! =)
Oh, yea! Boys are fun. I love my boys. And your ultrasound tech is probably right. Boys are a ball of energy!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you! I love my boys so much I just don't know where I would be without them. Van is going to be an awesome big sister to her brother.
Again Congratulations to you all, and here's to another great friend of mine having a baby boy in March! Cool!
yay..congrats..boys are so much fun too!
Yay!!! I'm super excited for you. Little boys are so different from girls, but so much fun!
One of each! Way to go! Congrats!
I'm so excited for you... and I *do* like what Vin stands for, so it should stick :) anyway, I think it's funny that Paul was disappointed about not getting another girl. I guess there will still be a Bri someday, right? hmmm... time to start shopping for the perfect gift for the little guy. Congrats again!
Congrats girl!
YEAH!!! I'm so excited for you!
Yeah Evonne!! So excited for a little boy. Savannah will be such a good big sister. Hope you are feeing better now you know all went well with the ultrasound. We are excited for your new little addition. Hope you guys have a GREAT birthday week!!
Congratulations! That is so exciting!!!
I'm enjoying your blog so much! I'm a new follower!
CONGRATS!!! I am so happy for you right now. I hope you enjoy the little boy so much!!
EVONNE! What a crappy friend I am! I am just now catching up on your blog and finding out about lil Vin. Is Vin short for something or just Vin? Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Love you! Hope you get more rest!
AWWW! Congrats!!!!!
As a mom of 2 boys, let me offer my total Congratulations~
I love boys. I have to say that since I have 2. I would probably love girls too.
And you may have to pay for therapy for showing his little weiner pic on the interwebs. ;-P
So excited to meet Vin! Love you all! Give Paul a birthday hug from me tomorrow! :)
Aw, CONGRATS on the baby Boy!!!
Congrats!! Boys are fun in their own way. Much more mellow here on the Woodward front!!
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