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Friday, October 2, 2009

Van's take on Fashion Friday

Since I have been under the weather for weeks now I have been A LOT more relaxed with what Van wears and what her hair looks like.  I'm sure she likes the freedom, and to be honest it is quite entertaining!

Van's tips for all ya'll:

-Mismatched earings are so in
-Put as many clips as you can find in the "hair supply bin" in to your hair
-And of course Pj's...because Van could live in them!


Kristina P. said...

She's such a fashionista!

Jerilee E. said...

She's so adorable- and I still think she has the prettiest hair ever! I totally wore two different earrings (not exactly on purpose) to my kids soccer games last weekend. I am so "in"!

Krystal said...

if I could live in pjs, the world would be a better place (and, truth be told, in college I pretty much did!!) I have 2 drawers full of pajamas! LOVE THEM! Van is one smart and stylish gal :)

Sam Jo said...

Those earings are a hoot! Loves her.

Unknown said...

I'll have to try the new clip do since Andy has been praying for me to get a new hairstyle.

I've never been one for Warrens either. So disappointing.

Camille said...

OH I see so much of that it my house with my 4-yr-old! I love that style! :)

brandon and jakell said...

she must take the same fashion/style classes as my Hadi LOL
so cute!