I remember Paul's 20th birthday like it was yesterday. German chocolate cake, presents, and most of all, he was my missionary. Who would have thought I would be spending Paul's 31st birthday with him?!
Over the years birthdays have changed. Paul's birthday may or may not get a little overshadowed by Van's being two days later. I would love to say today is a day all about Paul, but business as usual for the most part. Our evening will be spent picking out Van's birthday presents, a dinner of Paul's choice or maybe Van's, and a movie. If I get motivation or a spare moment, I might make some cupcakes or something. Here is where you feel bad for Paul...his lame wife didn't even buy one gift. ;)
I have no idea where I would be without Paul. I feel lucky that he is my partner in all things. Since Paul's last birthday our marriage has changed 180 degrees, a blessing indeed. As I watch our family grow in size, I feel over-joyed to be on such an awesome adventure with such a great man. Paul is always looking for ways to improve our situation, and make Van and I happy. Paul has a constant look of "deep thought" on his face, because I don't think that he ever stops worrying over us.
Last night while we sat over Del Taco and discussed plans of today, I apologized for not doing anything. Paul looked at me and said "I am doing what I want, I get to spend time with my family! I have the most amazing wife." Nice huh? I then proceeded to throw up on my food, no joke!
Although I didn't buy any presents for Paul that doesn't mean that I don't love him to the ends of the earth. Van and I really are very lucky girls, and Vin is lucky too!
We love you, Daddy! Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to Paul!
Happy birthday Paul and Van!
Happy Birthday Paul! Thanks for being such a good guy to such a special person. Hope you have a great day.
Happy Birthday Paul!! You get a white wonderland for YOUR birthday! :)
Lol that reminds me of our 5th wedding ann. and we had this romantic night and then I puked everywhere and found out I was preggo with Cameron lol.
Happy Bday Paul!! Hope you like snow
Happy birthday to Paul.... please tell me he did not order the snow, because I am not enjoying it :) Hope you guys had a great day!! (And good job turning off your phone!)
Cute post. Even cuter pictures.
Hope the b-day was great!! You know you've got it good when you just want to be with your family for your birthday!
Your post made me want Del Taco.. even with the mention of puke :).
I thought it said that PAUL threw up on your food, and I thought that was a little odd. And slightly rude. But he's the birthday boy, so he can be rude if he wants.
THEN, I re-read. Sorry you threw up on your food.
And Happy Birthday to Paul!
Happy Birthday to your Paul!!
Hey my hubby was my missionary too. Cool.
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