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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Just one of those days.

My BFF is moving far away...this week.
It hadn't hit me until Friday.
I was listening to this song on the video, and just started bawling.
Yup, I was a mess.
What am I going to do on Idaho days?
She is a staple in my entertainment.
We are going to miss our Parry.
BFF promised to visit, but I know it won't nearly be enough. ;)
We love our 4-some dates.
I love that BFF will take Van on dates, and calls me to ask when she can.
We have made so many memories.
All of them unforgettable!
I am lucky to call her my BFF.
I won't ever find another like her.


Cranberryfries said...

Oh my super sweet, crazy sad, very touching post to your dear friend.

Brittani Hill said...

"What we have once enjoyed we can never loose.All that we love deeply becomes a part of us."
*Helen Keller*
Whenever I had to let go of one of my Fosters I would say this to myself.
Take Care-
ooxoo Me

Kristina P. said...

That sucks!!

Anonymous said...

what a great friend YOU are to your BFF. sorry to hear that she is moving away, but there is always the computer and telephone. plus, she will not be far from your heart!

Brenda said...

You two are really cute. I hope she is able to visit as often as possible. BFF are people that you just don't forget.=)

Krystal said...

Aww, I'm so sorry about your BFF moving... don't BFFs know that it's against the rules?? I hate it when that happens... if you ever need a girls day, let me know... I'm here for ya! (AND, I would be happy to take Van on a date too, but I don't have any kids for her to play with :( )

Rachel Sue said...

I hate it when friends move away. That is the worst. It sin't like family. . . It's just different and horrible. I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said...

what song is that? it sure sucks when a BFF moves.