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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Van's Baby.

Great Grandma on the Farm sent Van a gift card to buy her something for Christmas. Good thing Santa wasn't planning on bringing her the baby she had on her wish list, because when Van laid eyes on "Sarah/Jenny", she was completely in love. "Sarah/Jenny" came with a binki, a bottle, a sippy cup, a diaper bag, a car seat, and anything else you can imagine...just what Van had been dreaming of. "Sarah/Jenny" even temporarily cries when you take her binki or bottle out...Van thinks this is absolutely fantastic, and makes her cry A LOT. It is what I woke up to this morning.
When I asked Van if she was ready to have a real baby in our house...she enthusiastically said "YES!" Bring on Vin!


Tiffany said...

Cute, cute, cute!!!

Steph said...

She is a sweetie. I can imagine she will be the most amazing big sister.

Tarahh77 said...

She is so photogenic. She will be a great big sister. One question, did the baby come with two names or she can't decide?

Jerilee E. said...

Yay for big sister helpers! She's doing to do great!

Laura Marchant said...

Sarah/Jenny? Is that what she named her or is that what the doll is called? Why do I get so confused, lol

Unknown said...

She named her Sarah/Jenny. She couldn't decide. Maybe she was thinking Jenny for a middle name!? I dunno.

tlkcreations said...

I am in love with your new baby Van...she is sooo cuTe!! She has a beautiful name and a very good mommy!! give her lots of hugs and kisses cuz that's what babies need the most!!!

Unknown said...

Yep, totally thought it said her doll came with a bikini. I did a double take and realized it said binki.

Amber! said...

I love the Sarah/Jenny!! Does she switch back and forth between the names or is it more like a first and middle name? Fun that she got to pick it out herself!