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Friday, January 15, 2010

belly shots. lots of 'em.

I don't necessarily like the way I look (see previous post), and while I was pregnant with Van I wanted no part in having my lovely shape documented well. I learned from that mistake. Van loves to look at pictures of her in my belly. I actually like looking at them too! With Vin I have been much better, I don't take belly shots weekly...but I have a lot more. Even looking back at my "5 week belly shot" with Vin, and I don't remember being that small. Although I am really forgetful. =)
My philosophy has always been YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY PICTURES!

So, my 2010 will still be filled with way too many pictures of my children so I don't ever forget that they were once that small.


Kalli said...

I think you're adorable.

And that was exactly my philosophy, one can never have too many pictures and my kids will love seeing what they look like when they were baking.

Brenda said...

I too think you look adorable!
I wished my parents would have taken more pictures of me when I was little. I guess because they had to be developed it cost to much. Either way I'm greatful they got the pictures they did and that we have digital cameras today. I can snap away all I want. It's GREAT!

vanessa said...

Ok you are hot also I see Van in that picture! You want to hear something sad? I didn't take ONE picture of me when I was pregnant, I have weird body issues.

Jerilee E. said...

I definitely didn't take enough pregnant belly pictures of myself- so, good for you! I know how much I loved (and still love) seeing pictures of myself as a kid, so I try to take lots and lots of pictures! Never enough is RIGHT!

Brittani L. Hill said...

Work it Girl!!!
I too regret not taking more prego pics so good for you!
Have a fab day!!
ooxoo Me

Tiffany said...

SO CUTE! I took TONS with William, well at least once a month... Not so much with Matthew and I even thought of myself as a "cute" prego girl then. This time around I haven't taken one, guess its time to.. I feel like I just look fat and not prego right now though... Oh well... You are darling!! yay!!! 10 weeks or less to go!!

Jordan said...

So cute! I have monthly ones from my pregnancy in the same outfit the whole 9 mos. Pretty funny to look at! :)

brandon and jakell said...

YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY PICTURES! Thats what I always say..not sure my family agrees when they see all mine LOL I seriously take a ton! But I am soooo happy I do. You can look back at my kids and see them as they have grown and each little pound they added along the way as babies. Its so fun to remember how little and cute they use to be. I ALWAYS have a camera with me! Now if I can get them all put into books...working on that one!