I was getting ready, looking at my ever changing body, and suddenly I thought...do I really have to be seen like this? Oh, and the water works came. Paul was busy working in the garage, while my sweet Van was trying to comfort me. When Van couldn't get me to stop crying, she immediately said "I'm going to go get our Daddy!" I hurried to tell her that I didn't want Daddy to know...but she was already gone.
While I tried to make it look like I hadn't been crying...Van and Paul reappeared. Paul said all the right things, and knew nothing would make me feel as good as a trip to buy me a new outfit. 
Van and I are lucky to have a good Daddy in our house. He takes good care of his girls. As the days get closer to our Vin making his appearance, I think that Paul is starting to like the idea more and more of some testosterone to balance this family out.
I am sorry Von :( Glad Paul is there to make you feel better
Just wait till you have the leftover after the baby is gone!! Not fun!!! That is what I am trying to get rid of now. You look beautiful and nothing is prettier than a pregnant woman....ok...well, some of them. =)
Just know that everyone ELSE thinks you look fabulous/super awesome/amazing! Days like that come with the whole baby on the way package. But...I have those days NOW and I'm not even pregnant! That's where good husbands come in and make things better :).
Aren't good husbands the best?
Oh man I totally know how you feel! Good daddies are the BEST, because they (usually) make the BEST husbands too!I'm happy that Paul is good to his girls;)!
Dude, I can so relate to that kind of crazy.
Bless your heart and bless your man. We need those guys.
Good to know there's someone looking out for you. He's going to LOVE having a boy! We're excited over here for your new arrival!
Good to know there's someone looking out for you. He's going to LOVE having a boy! We're excited over here for your new arrival!
Stop!!!look'in at all those pre-prego pics!!Don't ya know it's against mother natures law's-lol!!
You look beautiful!!!Now go give that hubby a big one for me because he rocks!!
ooxoo Me
Oh I remember those days. I had a complete meltdown before a Christmas party when I was pregnant with my son because I couldn't find anything to wear. I had no control! Glad you have someone taking care of you and looking out for you. It makes it a little easier.
I love me a good husband. Well my husband... not yours. But I am sure your husband is just awesome.... but that would be so weird if I loved your husband. I mean maybe not that WEIRD since we are in Utah. But since I am already married I will just stick to loving my husband.
I'm sorry you had a bad day... hang in there, you're almost done and looking GREAT :) and yes, Paul sounds like such a good daddy indeed... what lucky girls!
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