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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Crazy Ol' Bag....

I am here.

Seattle is always.

I have one heck of a story about the flight.

It didn't go well.

I thought I was prepared, but I couldn't be prepared for that crazy ol' bag that sat in front of me.
Vin was doing just fine. He was giggling, eating, and flirting with the ladies that I sat in the middle of. I thought that things were going just fine.

The lady in front of me sat talking to her neighbors about her cats, pulling out every printed picture of said cats. She had her leopard print pillow, a gold ring for every finger, 30 bangle bracelets, and her bright red fake finger nails.

About 30 minutes in she rudely turns around and tells me that she doesn't appreciate Vin kicking her seat. I was in shock, and may have shed a tear or two...because I now had to restrain Vin...he screamed bloody murder for at least 30 straight minutes. I was sad for him, and sad that my little boy couldn't understand why I was holding on to him for dear life.

The sweet lady sitting next to me leaned over, and whispered in my ear... "you are a good Mom, and your son is precious." How thankful I was for her words. She might be the only reason I dare get on the flight to come home...

More stories to come, because I have a doozy of one from tonight...I am not sure I dare share. It is THAT good.


Rachel Sue said...

You should have let him kick it even harder.

dust and kam said...

i miss you.

i would have cried.


poopy lady.

Tiffany said...

I would have cried, stupid lady!

Emily said...

I'd have kicked her seat myself and then apologized for my Tourettes flaring up mid flight. My friend Kim always makes an effort to stop and tell moms what a great job they're doing when she can tell they're stressed/exhausted/worn out. Someone once did it for her and she's never forgotten how it made her day. You're doing fabulously!

Jenni and Chad Stewart said...

Aww, so sorry Evonne. People who don't know or remember what it's like to travel with babies can be total crabs! Those planes are so freakin' crowded that if you move an INCH you bump somebody. It must have been a full flight too if you were in a middle seat with people in every direction of ya. I hope you get a better seat on the ride home!

AubreyMo said...

"The sweet lady sitting next to me leaned over, and whispered in my ear... "you are a good Mom, and your son is precious."

Thank goodness for angels on earth like her that counteract the red-nailed devil's evil ways. I'm so sorry. Serves her right that he cried behind her after. I'd scream at her too!

Jerilee E. said...

wow, that just makes me so angry! I wish I could have kicked HER for you. I'm glad you were sitting by someone who understands being a mom. I know I would have cried. Being a witch is that old hag's problem to deal with. You are awesome :) and we all know it.

Anonymous said...

I can imagine exatly what she looked like. . . .
I would have let him kick harder and made her move or something. Maybe she shouldn't have had her back against the chair then huh?

you ARE a great mommy von!

Jobi Niu said...

How freaking annoying are some people?! They were a kid once! ugh. I fly tons because Enoch works for Delta and I've wanted to slap a hell outta a few RUDE people. Have a heart! Can you not see I'm sweating my @$$ off trying to keep my 3 children under 4 years old good/quiet/holding still so you can enjoy your flight?? I'm sorry they're NOT perfect! I'm sorry you had to deal with that! :( Whenever I hear kids crying or fussing, I just smile and ask if they need help, because I know what they're going through!

Cal said...

You should have asked her if she would like to help instead of be rude. I don't like her already. Kick away Devin!

Regirlfriend said...

OMG if I ever have kids I am SKA-REWWWWWED.

I am on a plane a couple times a month, and every other time there is a child screaming bloody murder. And I feel so bad for the parents. Because they're embarrassed and they feel guilty. We can put on headphones and drown it out, but if they do, they're a-holes. Sad! I'm sorry that lady was a colossal hag. :(

Thank goodness for angels. It inspires me to do the same for someone on a plane now and again.