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Thursday, February 3, 2011

private bloggers

(van and my alice in wonderland...playing nicely)

We haven't discussed private poops for...well a rrreally long time. Like waaay back in 2008 was the last time I decided to call everyone out!
I was so naive back then. I now realize why people go private. Sometimes people who are cArazy read your blog, sometimes you get mean comments, and sometimes you don't want all your dark secrets out there for everyone to read.
I still wish that we could all play nicely in the sand box, but eh...who am I kidding...we live in this society.
Let me get to the point of this post....because I swear I had one.
Do you ever feel awkward asking someone for "an invite" to read their blog? Does it kinda feel like you are asking for a date...and you just might get rejected? Or is this just me?
Yes, I have issues with asking people to be my friend on Facebook too. Okay, so maybe this is just a problem I have. You could always comment and tell me I'm not alone...that would maybe make me feel a bit better.


dust and kam said...

I could have written this post. Not even kidding.

kendahl a. said...

I absolutely hate asking to be invited to read someone's blog! For real, if you have my e-mail address and I used to read your blog all the time, please just add me because I'm too embarrassed to ask myself. :)

Heather said...

I would have to stop reading a blog if they went private without issuing me an invite of their own accord. I dont think I could ever bring myself to ask for an invite!

Tiffany said...

Hee hee, a girl after my own heart, I feel the exact same way....

Steph said...

DOOD! I totally hate asking for permission to read someone's blog. I don't want them to think I am stalking them or am creepy. But I am interested in what's going on in their lives. It is a weird sort of double edged sword.

Jerilee E. said...

yeah, I can't count how many blogs I've stopped reading because they went private- and I was too scared to say 'hey, invite me!'.
I don't want to realize weeks later that they never sent me that invite... really, who needs that kind of rejection?!

Kristina P. said...

I feel horrible, but I almost never read private blogs anymore. I just don't remember.

Cal said...

okay fine.. I will go against the grain.. I don't feel embarrassed to ask if I can have an invite. I think that is the biggest compliment that you could give to someone if you read their blog and love it enough to want to keep reading it. I have met a few ( you included) wonderful people by reading their blogs! that is my 2 cents

Cranberryfries said...

I'm like Kristina I always forget. when my hubby started applying to be a police officer I felt because of his job we'd have to take our family blog private. Just because i talk about WAY more stuff on there. (This was like 2 years ago.) and because it went private everyone forgot (which of course I do too) which is how my cranberry one was born. I realized I wanted to be more social so I made a way to do it.
Er sorry on to the point of your post. I remember I would peek in on my sisters, in-laws blog or my jrhigh boyfriends blog and then they all went private. after a few months I finally emailed them and just said, 'if you dont want to thats TOTALLY ok just let this email go into the void of cyberspace, i know there's a reason you went private but I just enjoy reading about your family so if its ok can I still play'. Everyone so far has been super cool and let me keep reading but it is hard to ask. I agree!

Mrs. O said...

I have the hardest time remembering to keep up with private blogs, I need to be able to use my reader. But that's just me.