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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

grabbing my brown paper

Let me fill you in on a few details.

I can count on one hand how many nights Paul and I have spent away from each other. Three of those nights were when we had our children, Paul always decided he needed one last night of uninterrupted sleep before bringing the babies home.

Paul and I are partners in crime, and go everywhere together. If we spend even a morning away from each other, it feels weird. I guess that is what 12 something years of being together will do.

Here is the deal...BFF is getting married. She is practically my sister wife. If she didn't get married to Nathan, Paul said that he would take her in. Remember that BFF moved away, like far away? Well, she is getting married far away. Paul said that he would stay home and take care of Van...making sure she is getting to school, homework done, hair and teeth brushed, yada, yada, yada...BUT I had to take Vin with me.

I wouldn't miss this wedding in a million years...after all BFF took me to the hospital to birth Vin, and changed my diaper after he was born (was that TMI?). Well, I just had to say that BFF has done things for me that no BFF should ever have to do...and she did it with a smile. Seriously...oh em gee, she changed my diaper.

Okay, so moving on.

Did I mention that my Sista lives in the same state as my BFF? Well, she does. So, when the plans were first coming together I thought I should go for a few nights, and love on my Alice in Wonderland...and I guess see my sista (love ya sis) and my BIL too. The closer this has become, I am hyperventilating. Holy smokes, I have to spend HOW MANY NIGHTS AWAY FROM PAUL AND VAN!! Oh, and how did I let Paul convince me that I HAVE TO TAKE VIN ON A PLANE BY MYSELF...Vin is a crazy man (but has killer cute looks, right?). I must have been drugged to agree to this.

Wish me luck.

Any tips on how to keep Vin happy on our flight, without making everyone on the plane crazy?

I can't wait to see you, BFF... and this is gonna be amazing girl.


Kristina P. said...

It sounds like it will be quite the adventure! good luck!

kendahl a. said...

Good luck! My husband and I are the same way, and tomorrow he is leaving for a 5-day trip to California with our daughter. Without me. It's the longest we've ever gone without seeing each other. I can't sleep one night without him, let alone four. I definitely understand where you're coming from. But, I don't have to take a baby on a plane so you've got me beat there.

Nyquil? :)

Jenni and Chad Stewart said...

Ooh, good luck! I have been on many plane rides with my babies, and my advice would be to pack FAVORITE snacks. They can be entertained for quite some time with food, especially something that they don't get very often or that lasts a long time like a sucker. Sometimes I will stock up on a few dollar store items too because they always seem to be more entertained with new items, and if they are dollar store things then I don't really care if they get lost in the airport or plane or something. Have fun!

Emily said...

Don't hyperventilate, just get excited about a fun adventure! I love traveling and have spent many a night away from home. My advice is to pack those favorite snacks and pick up a new toy or two. Don't let Vin see the toys until he's on the plane. The novelty will keep him busy! Oh, and the Nyquil suggestion? Love it, though we prefer Benadryl or Dramamine. :)

Unknown said...

I am so jealous that you are going to her wedding! Words cannot express how happy I am that she is getting married. The flight is short enough, and hopefully the little guy will sleep the whole time. If not, be prepared to get dirty looks from others on the plane!

Jerilee E. said...

Being away from the husband/family sucks. I'm not sure how people deal with spouses who have to travel ALL the time. Mark had to go to Minnesota last year for 3 days and it was awful. At least you are going to be seeing family and friends that you love! That will keep you busy :).
As for the baby on the plane- just remember not to care about what other people think! Ignore dirty looks, etc. Food, drink, toys and don't let him sleep for a few hours before the flight.

Emily Christine said...

Totally just started to cry! I'm so excited to see you guys! It's almost here! Your the best! I owe you big time for the book! Tell Paul thanks for sharing you and devin wit us! I'm not a mommy so I have no advice! :-)

Caroline said...

I feel your pain! Ryan and I have spent MAYBE 5 days apart. It's excruciating! Just means you're madly in love, though, and that's a good thing!

Rebecca said...

Whoops. That was weird. I was signed into google on Caroline's account. That last comment was from ME! REBECCA! NOT CAROLINE!

Jessica said...

You will have so much! It is easier said than done to not stress about leaving them. Jared and I are going to San Francisco this weekend for three nights and I am so nervous about leaving the kids. As for traveling on the plane, I always give my kids Sudafed PE, it is a decongestant to help their ears and has some benadryl effects to make them a little sleepy. I always check before I leave for the airport to see if the flight is full if it isn't I bring the carseat on the plane, it helps so much if they have their own seat and I always bring my stroller to the gate, helps to have an "extra hand" and your stroller will be waiting for you when you get off. I always bring lots of snacks, gummy bears for take off and landing. Maybe try stickers and paper, movies, tray toys. Good luck and have FUN!!!