so this is what it feels like.
Last week Paul was out to the movies, I was blog stalking (or something like that), and the kids were sleeping soundly...or so I thought. Van comes in my room bawling. I instantly thought that she had a nightmare, but what came out of her mouth was this "Mom, I don't think it's fair that you get to sleep with Daddy every night, I wanna sleep with him!" Van is crazy in love with her Daddy.
About the same time last week, Vin decided to show a different side...his Momma boy side! Let me hear a group "aaah." I can't say that I am annoyed with this (yet). If I am in the room, he wants me. When I do my hair, he plays at my feet...and if I leave for a second he cries. When he sees me, he has his arms out waiting to be in mine. When I go in his room to pick him up for his nap...he beams.
It feels good to be wanted, and loved. Since Van has obviously picked Paul...I guess we are even. I know that he won't always think I am the coolest thing on the planet, so I am soakin' this up for as long as possible.
I love me a Momma's boy. :)
And I could eat Vin.
That is the cutest post. This should be on your list of favorites. I love these pictures. :)
Oh that is precious on both accounts. I guess Aspen (3) told my sister the other day, "mom, dad doesnt wear jammies, and thats gross huh? i dont want to sleep by him if he doesnt have jammies on and hes maked." (She says maked rather than naked. Although I'm sure he sleeps in shorts or something. okay getting off this topic.)
And I second Kamie's comment. Vin is delicious and Van is just so dang cute!
Ok, he is just too cute. I am so glad you got a mamma's boy! I may complain about it TO Mark, but I secretly love it. It's nice to have this tiny person realize just how awesome you are... even if it doesn't last.
Oh my, he is the cutest thing. I just want to squeeze his cheeks. And good for you, having a Mama's boy!
I have pretty much all momma's kids. Kinda wish one of them preferred their dad!
So. Dang. Adorable. I hope my girls still love me once they realize their daddy's the bomb-diggity. ;)
He is SO big!! I can't believe I've never seen him in real life... Sad. And SO cute!! My boys are all Momma's boys and I'm A-OKAY with it.
Ok I am adding this to my list of reasons to be excited to have a baby. Both of my girls were mama girls until 18 months and then they made the switch over. I want someone that loves me the bestest again!! ;)
After 9+ years, I think/feel I'm still a part of the momma's club, thanks to my oldest.;) What a blessing it is to feel the love of a child, even from the ones that might prefure their dad's a little more.
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