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Friday, May 16, 2008


I saw this on Rachel's blog, and wondered how close to my personality it would be. It says I'm patient. I'm not sure that is me, but maybe it is thinking of what I am aspiring to be. =)
You Are Cinderella!
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Dignified and hard working. With a gentle and soft-spoken manner you have something many people don't. Patience. Even through the moments of heartbreak you're still able to hold onto all of your hopes and dreams. Bide your time; your dream will come true.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really did it...and was pleasantly surprized that I would be a beauty! Your blog is cute it is so fun to get up and look it up and see something new. You are going to miss Carl's Jr...we do not have one in Twin! The Temple is so, mom