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Thursday, October 22, 2009

ESPN: The Body Issue Part II

Do you remember when I posted about the ESPN Body Issue? This morning when I logged into my e-mail and found this gem of a comment, I had to share it with everyone!

Susan said...

I'm one of the athletes in the magazine. I'm honestly sorry you were upset by the issue but I think you may be missing the point of it. The magazine is purely showcasing the human body as a thing of beauty and athleticism. None of the girls in this issue would have ever been in a Sports Illustrated swimsuit or Playboy... we're not that type of build. I am big and strong and very proud of my body. I did not pose nude to offend anyone, but show people what rowers look like. And I disagree that it makes us 'bad role models' because I hope that girls who are big or have muscles will stand a little taller and be proud of the things they've worked for. I'm not a model, I'm an athlete, and I'm proud of my accomplishments.

My response to this:

I don't remember saying anything about the body types of the people posing. I don't remember saying anything like, if you have muscles or are bigger you shouldn't be posing nude. I don't think that you have to pose nude to be proud of what you have accomplished, and I definitely don't think that I have ever wondered what a rower looks like nude?! Just sayin'. I am a bigger girl, and I stand taller and am very proud of what I accomplish...without posing nude. I hope that my daughter will look up to athletes for what they do accomplish, and not what they look like without clothes on. I don't think being naked has anything to do with sports. ESPN should stick to talking about sports and related topics, and not a magazine that is only there to oogle over how great every one's body looks like nude.

Okay, I'm done.


Laura Marchant said...

Good for you.
Paula Dean is a really good cook but I don't need to see her naked to know she is a really good cook.
Conan O'brian is really funny but I don't need to see him all naked to know that he is funny.
What a weird way to try and justify it.
Sounds like someone has been getting a lot of heat for that issue.

Jeninator said...

You rock Van!!!

Unknown said...

AGREED! said...

You go girl!! An awesome response, and that is awesome that you stood up for your beliefs!

The Meier family said...

Good job girlie! :)

Brenda said...

I APPLAUD you!!! Your so right!+>

Sarah said...

And why do they have to pose nude to showcase their body anyway? Wear tight clothing, wear a bathing suit. We get the idea. silly.
Good thoughts!

Jerilee E. said...

I totally agree with you! No need to be nakes to show off your body. Why does anybody need to take their clothes off to be beautiful?? AND.. it's still a sports magazine. NOT a naked sports magazine.

Kelly said...

Ok That comment is different and unexpected and I agree I don't have the desire to see a rower naked!


Brittani Hill said...

WOW!!!You did It! Way to go!!
Thanks for being that voice for so many!!You are so awesome!!!!!
ooxoo Me

Vanessa said...

I would be curious to know what you think of the new Dove Campaign

The Girardo Family said...

I was really impressed with your post. That is crazy that one of the athletes wrote a comment. I am so glad that you did write a response. And like someone said, wear a swimsuit or something to show off your body.

Rebecca said...

That really is crazy that she wrote to you. Look how far your posts are reaching! I'm glad you said something about it. Good job!

Frieda Loves Bread said...

'Nuff said...

I don't appreciate the Dove campaign either..

Paige Taylor Evans said...

Seriously, I'm glad you're not just letting them get away with it. Way to go replying back, this is awesome, let us know if they follow up!

Unknown said...

I totally agree there is no reason to be nude! I'm pretty sure you can see everything you need to see in a swimming suit. Can you imagine how many moms and grandmas are crawling in their skin because they got their son or grandson what they thought was a harmless ESPN subscription. I had no idea about this issue.

Krystal said...

I think you answered her comments perfectly... and let's be honest here, in my profession, if I did something like that, I'm pretty sure I'd be FIRED and have my license taken away... nobody needs to see me nude to know if I'm a good teacher or not! (I can show them test scores if they're really curious)... but Susan's justification is so strange and unusual... I don't get it. So, whatever.

Amber! said...

Right on sister.