I had heard a lot of good about Warrens Family Restaurants. Lately, I would blame my pregnancy for something not tasting right, but this time the feeling was mutual with Paul as well. Uncle Shane went with us, and he liked his...but seriously look at how gross his french dip sandwich looks??! I am not sure that I would have even eaten it, once I saw it. I didn't try a shake, maybe that is what people think is so great about Warrens...who knows. I probably won't go back, especially since it took us almost an hour to get there. Sorry to be a downer, but I swear I have a good food review of desserts and cravings coming soon!
Dieting is not for me, a muffin top is what I'll be!
I've never even heard of it- so I guess I'm not missing anything! The french dip does look kinda gross...
Yeah all the food looks....sad....yes that is the word for it.
PS Are you a Kneaders Fan?
I grew up on Warrens - but didn't know it was anywhere south of Weber County. Did you go up there to review it? It was a treat to me as a girl (and teenager)!
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