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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Frightmares at Lagoon.

Paul and Van made plans to go to Lagoon for their birthdays. I am pretty sure that I wasn't suppose to be in the plans, it was just suppose to be a Daddy/Daughter Date. When my friend gave me 3 free tickets...they had to take me. ;) So I came up with a better plan. Invite Shane so Paul could go on big rides, I would be the photographer, and make sure that Van got on all the kiddie rides. It was a success! It is days like these that I fall in love with Paul and Van all over again...okay, and Shane too! I watched my soon-to-be 5 year old wait in HUGE lines by herself, and not even complain. She looked so grown up, and I realized how quickly she will be off in to the big world by herself. Van begged to go in to the haunted house rides, I thought it was going to end badly...but I let her (of course we made Uncle Shane go with her). Van came out completely freaked, and this is how the convo went...

Mommy: What did you see that freaked you out?
Van: Mom, I only saw the floor!
Mommy: Laughing hysterically!
Being pregnant I can sometimes be no fun to be around, especially when there is A LOT of walking involved. Paul is super patient with me, attentive, and lets me order a big meal only to eat less than a 1/4 of it! We are really excited for this pregnancy to be over. LOL. We are really thankful that Shane made the drive all the way down here to celebrate! Van has a huge crush on her Uncle. Mommy and Daddy are not cool enough when Shane is around. Van wants to sit by him, hold his hand, and play non stop with him.
Lagoon just might become one of our birthday traditions. Turns out Paul isn't too old to enjoy the big rides. =)


Kristina P. said...

I love Lagoon. But we didn't get to go at all this year! :(

Lauren @ SuperMom Central said...

I have always wondered what Frightmares was all about - great post! Makes me want to take my family there next year.

Tiffany said...

I LOVE Lagoon!!! We haven't been in ages though.... Looks like you guys had LOTS of fun!!

Krystal said...

looks like it was a fun day... I've always wanted to go to frightmares but never been there yet. Glad you guys had such a great time! Happy (early) birthdays to Van and Paul

Camille said...

Oh it has been FOREVER since I've been to Lagoon! I've always wondered about Frightmares. Van is getting so big! I'm willing to bet she will be a big helper when little one comes along!

Sarah said...

I have always wanted to go to Frigtmares. Never been. My husband doesn't like roller coasters so that doesn't help.

Brenda said...

It's been way to long since I have been there. Next time we come to visit Utah maybe that should be on our agenda?!!! I know the boys would love it.=>

P.S. I feel for you. I'm really excited for when this pregnancy is over, I'm feeling a little done. I'm sure if you were to ask Nathan he would say the same.

Jerilee E. said...

So fun!! I went to Frightmares TOO many times in college but have never gone with my kids. I thought about taking my older kids there- but everyone keeps gettin' sick! Maybe next weekend...

Paige Taylor Evans said...

Fuuuuuuuuun! I've only been to Lagoon once, but it was awesome!