This is our Van after she has had a good cry. 

What I am finding out is that I need a good cry every day to make it through.
Although I am really excited to add Vin to our family, I am really tired of being sick.
Sunday's are definitely my worst day of the week.
Every night I pray that I wake up and feel good. Most days it doesn't work.
Paul and Van might want a new Mommy if this lasts any longer.
Crossing my fingers that 20 is going to now be my lucky number.
Aw Van looks so darling! I really hope you can get through this sickness soon! Sorry Sundays are such bad days for ya.
Here's to hoping you feel better every day here on out!
oh, bless her little heart! She looks a lot more attractive than I do after a good cry! :) I hope you start feeling better! Feeling nauseated during pregnancies are no fun! Hopefully it clears up soon - or you win a cupcake - whichever comes first ! :)
Aw, I Feel your pain.
I threw up everday until about 27 weeks and the Zofran didn't work for me at all.
I finally got done to a routine of puke first thing in the morning, then eat a moderate breakfast. If you have an empty stomach it for sure makes it worse.
Good luck with everything! Hopefully you feel better soon
loves!!!! everyone needs a good cry and you really don't need a reason to have it! We are woman and we deserve to cry at moments notice. AMEN
I for sure don't look that cute after crying! I'm crossing my fingers tomorrow is the day that all the sickness goes away. That rhymed. :)
hope Van (and you) are doing better! What a little cutie
i hope you get feeling better soon.
you are amazing.
Hope you get feeling better soon! Good thing you have your adorable "super girl" to keep you smiling and as a reminder of the sacrifices you are making to bring this special little one into this world, it will be so worth it in the end. Hang in there! You are amazing!
Good luck! I feel your pain! I was sick the whole 9 months with Micah and about 7 with Hailey! But luckily it is all only temporary! Focus on that sweet little baby that will be in your arms in no time! But I agree...every once in a while you just need a good cry!
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