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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

shopping at Ikea

Let me just put it out there, I am not a fan of Ikea.  Since it opened in Draper, I have been a total of 2 of those times being yesterday.  Van and I were tryin' to burn a few minutes, and I decided to stop in.  I realized why I didn't like this store yet can't just stop in, we got lost, and it took us forever to find our way out!
In the process though I found these...

Maybe I won't be painting.  This is done for me!

I found this cute "changing table".  If you could see how small this nursery is, I won't fit maybe a crib and a few really small items.  So, this looks perfect, small enough, and convenient.  What do you think? 
My thought right now is that why by anything too expensive when I am not planning another baby (anytime soon).  I might as well go more practical.
This baby shopping could get a little addicted, maybe I shouldn't take anymore work off so that I don't go browsing to find more stuff. LOL.


Jerilee E. said...

I only like IKEA when I only have one or two of my older kids with me. My 2 year old ran off last time and I found her on the top of a bunkbed. No ladder so not even sure how she got up. The cribs are cute- and save you from the hassle of painting!!

tlkcreations said...

DaRLinG!! I am in love with both of them, Oh Baby Sell what color will be for you?????

kendahl a. said...

FINALLY, someone else that hates Ikea! My sister is in love with the place and cannot understand why I hate going there. If I only am looking for kitchen items, I want to be able to walk to the kitchen section and then walk out. NOT walk through the entire everything-I-didn't-come-here-for maze.

Kelly said...

I love lvoe love Ikea! I lov eit so much I spell love wrong :0)


April JoAnne said...

ooh I do like that changing table, I should go look at one like that for myself. I need a small one too!

Danielle Mahoney said...

I hate to admit it but I have yet to enter the doors of IKEA! I know that I will stay way to long and still not see everything and i will probably buy way too much stuff. I really like what you found though.

Brenda said...

No way, I'm not a fan of IKEA either for some of the same reasons. I must say I'm not a fan of the crib colors but I am sure you would make it look awesome. I love the changing table. So cute!

Krystal said...

I do not enjoy Ikea... aka the maze! As for the crib, personally, I am more a fan of white, then decorate however you want with bedding, etc... but that's just me... the changing table is way cool though, but I worry that it is not very sturdy once the baby gets a little bigger? I have only bought one thing at Ikea, a whiteboard / chalkboard easel for my classroom, and it's only worth about what I paid for it, which is not much... it's wobbly on one side, and I even exchanged it once! Grr...

Unknown said...

I love the pattern on the changing table. All the pockets are great.