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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Special Days

Van started this new thing at our house.  Every day is a "Special Day" for someone.  Daddy's "Special Day" he wanted ice cream that he didn't have to share, and Van cleaned a WHOLE vending machine by herself. (That is actually a really big deal if you have ever had to clean one!)  Mommy's "Special Day" consisted of pickles for breakfast, a hot bath where Van got my pj's ready when I got out, and lots of being lazy. 

Van's special day was yesterday, and man did I make it special.
Daddy left early for work, and I woke Van up to come to sleep with me.  (That is a big deal!)  I let her watch movies, pick her own clothes out, play games, and I even took her to the library.  We listened to all of her music in the car, went to Gardner Village, I let her have a Dr. Pepper at lunch, and the best part of her day was The Mayan for a play date. 

Vanessa and her girls laughed with us, drank smoothies out of fancy glasses, and watched at least 4 diving shows.  The girls giggled at the divers, and cheered them on!  I am pretty sure they won the heart over of this young diver...

he climbed up the side to come and see us at our table on the balcony!  Van even got to push him into one of his dives, but she was extremely hestitant.  Vanessa and I got a good chuckle out of it.  On the way home she said "Mom, you know why I didn't want to do it?  Because he was naked!"  Yup, it was memorable!
It is a good thing that today is my "Special Day" again, because after yesterday...I am pooped!  I am not sure that I can do this every 3rd day.  We might have to change the rules a bit! ;)


Kristina P. said...

What an awesome mom you are!

Rachel Sue said...

I need to take my kids to the Mayan. I think they would love it. . .

Krystal said...

there's NAKED MEN at the Mayan? SHOOT! What am I doing sitting at home? I must go out there stat :) all this time I thought it was just a cheesy eatery!

Cranberryfries said...

You're such a super cool mom! Yeah every 3 days woo. Maybe mommy gets every 3 days and the kids get 1 a week or 1 a month. :)

Vanessa said...

ha! NAKED!!

Jerilee E. said...

Love the picture with the diver! The Mayan was bought last year and they cut the menu in HALF- including all the good food! Now we don't go there much- but the kids LOVE it! They are always asking us if we can go to the place with the big snakes outside...