Approximately how much money a month do you all spend on eating out?
Most people ask if we still go grocery shopping even though we eat out. Yes, we still spend on average for our little family of 3, $100+ a week on groceries. Then we usually spend on average $15-$20 on going out to eat for lunch. We then also eat out for dinner most nights as well, because I am at work it is done separately...and we are more skimpy. I would say that is about $10 for all of us. AND let's not forget our bakery bill! Paul has to have dessert with our meals. He goes a few times a week, and I wouldn't even be able to venture a guess as to how much he spends on treats!
I will let you guys do the math, because I am pretty sure that Paul and I don't want to see the digits!!
Our goal recently has been to eat at least every other day at home. I can't say we are doing amazing at it, but I am cooking at least a couple of times a week...we had to start some where, right?
Here I will help you to reality
lady & gent----
Around $1,400 a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Were ya absent on the day I taught ya about budgeting/mealplanning!!?? lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know your smiling right now-you know this old friend couldn't pass up giving you a hard time about this one!!!Not to rub it in to much but my large family of 6+ spends around $700 a month-that's everything you buy at a grocery store(not just food)
Your kill'in me!!!!!!
You know what I could do with $700 extra bucks a month!!!!!
Just say'in!!!!
ooxoo Me
I would hate to add ours up as well. We avoid it, on purpose. This is just like your last couple posts. If it works for you guys..that is all that matters. Enjoy it! Besides, this means no dishes to wash, Yuck..
Could buy a whole bunch of paper plates with some of that extra $$$!!!
Just say'in! lol!!!
ooxoo Me
We eat out way too much.
Knowing you guys the way that I do I would venture a good guess at about $980.00 a month, that includes everything, especially Schmidts Bakery!! I think that some months are better and others may be higher but I'm going with my digits on this one!! I'm just saying......
We ate out ALL the time until we had more than 2 kids. Eating out REALLY adds up now with 7 of us.
Oh pshaw everyone has their thing they spend to much money on in their budget. Its just only SOME of us that will fess up to it lol
I am too much of a pansy to do so!!
I did the math. I won't tell you what the math said. But I will tell you that you could buy a lot of cute shoes. ;-P
But heck lady... it is your money. Do with it as you will. Unless it is starting a collection of Nascar commemerative plates. That is where I draw the line. ;-P
i appreciate your fessing up to it but I was disappointed that I had to figure it out on my own. That is why I asked so that that I didn't have to do math. oh well.... I guess it is a lot right?
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