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Thursday, November 12, 2009


I have never had any problems with spam in my comment sections. I have always allowed "anonymous" comments to be made, and I really hate the word I choose not to bug others with it on my blog.
It changed for me this week. I have had a bunch of spam...very annoying. What is weird to me is that they choose a post from July to put the spam in. Different advertisements, but all the same post.
Does the word verification bug you, like it bugs me? Should I just turn off "anonymous" comments? Or should I just deal with it, because honestly it takes me like three seconds to delete them permanently?


Camille said...

I have my comments set up for my approval before posting (only for unidentifiable authors). And I STILL get so many spam visitors! Sounds like they're the same as yours - choosing a post from months ago, and it's always the same post for each one! I don't get it. I don't mind deleting/spamming the comment, but it makes me a little nervous that there are so many! Do you know what drives that?? I don't mind the word verification if you want to put it on. It's fun to see what random words they put in anyway! :)

vanessa said...

Well it will mess with your giveaways bad if you have to approve them...

You can have something installed in word press to help you with spam, email me.

Unknown said...

I have never minded the word verification. It seems habit to expect it because most people have it.

I loved your letter from Vin! I can't wait to know what his middle name is.

Kristina P. said...

Word verification annoys me. I just turned off my anonymous comments. It worked.

Cal said...

I say turn off anonymous, but it doesn't bother me either you know who your anonymous peeps are??????

Jerilee E. said...

I find word verification a little annoying, but it doesn't stop me from commenting.

Michelle said...

word verification doesn't bug me. Especially since I found out those ones that are actually double words - one of them is computer generated, the other is part of a program to help digitize really old books. I can't remember the name of the program that does it, but it's quite cool. The people of the internet do thousands of books a day!

Frieda Loves Bread said...

I don't like word verification. I always moderate my comments before posting them. Had a few strange emails, but just deleted them.

Frieda Loves Bread said...

My son just told me, "Did you know that SPAM stands for stuff posing as meat?" I guess you are getting Stuff Posing As Mail....

kendahl a. said...

I really hate the word verification! I would just make it so you have to approve comments that are anonymous, if that's possible.

Krystal said...

I don't mind the word verification... I have actually turned it into a game, and when I find funny words, I save the image (I plan on posting them on my blog when I have enough funny ones!) Yeah, I'm a dork! But definitely turning off anonymous comments would probably help.

Krystal said...

I don't mind the word verification... I have actually turned it into a game, and when I find funny words, I save the image (I plan on posting them on my blog when I have enough funny ones!) Yeah, I'm a dork! But definitely turning off anonymous comments would probably help.