I started off not really caring if I made it breast feeding or not. I gave up quickly with Van, and I thought that I would have a similar experience with Vin.
That wasn't the case this time around. Vin was good at it, and it made it easy for both of us.
Vin seemed to change this past week, and not just in weight. ;) He was screaming all. the. time. It was really ridiculous. With a few calls to the Dr...it was determined that Vin has colic. One morning specifically I remember telling Paul that he was lucky that Vin and I had both made it through the night alive. It was that hard.
After a lot of research, asking questions, and my mommy instincts...
I went off all caffeine. gasp.
No Coke.
No chocolate.
3 days in, my perfect baby is back.
Oh, and let me mention I am a firm believer in swaddling, and gripe water. You expecting mothers...have that shiz on tap. Night and day difference.
I know I said that I didn't care whether I breast fed or not. I know I said that I wasn't ever going to change my diet. I know I said a lot of things...I take it all back.
I love nursing and my babe enough to give up Coke.
And that my friends says A. LOT. doesn't it?
Some fun short videos...
Vin before gripe water, pacifier, and being swaddled...
Vin after...told you it was a night and day difference!!