This morning I left Vin sleeping soundly on my bed, and I hopped in the shower. Van was playing/watching a movie near him...but not paying attention to him...so I thought. As soon as I got in the shower, I hear Vin screaming. I tried to hurry, but ya know. He kept on, and I could hear Van trying to console him. She sometimes can calm him down, but more often than not she just makes him more upset.
I get out of the shower to find Van on my bed holding him, with her shirt up, trying to nurse him. Seriously so funny...I couldn't stop laughing...
Oh wow...that is definitely a story to remember!!!
Oh, wow! Did you get her that creepy nursing doll?
Well beats that time I hopped in the shower, heard my infant crying, took my time getting out (hey, I was DIIIIRTY), then found him on my bed where I'd left him, but with my older child beating him in the face with the toilet brush.
Oh I giggled!
LOL me and jayni are dying!
Now THAT is seriously the best story ever!
That takes dedication as a big sister. LOL that is too funny!
file that one away for high school...
LOL!!!!!!! Oh my!!! That is the cutest and most funniest thing I have heard in along time!!!
Thanks for the laugh Van and thanks for sharing!!
ooxoo Me
Ah, good times indeed!
That is too funny! What a good little helper. ;)
ah! that's hilarious! She just wants to take good care of her baby bro- what a sweet, funny sister ;)
oh my funniest story ever. too funny.
LOL!!! So funny! My kid would probably be the one with the toilet brush! At least she was trying to help! LOL! :)
ahahahahah... what a good little mommy.
Ohh that is way too Funny!!!! She is just trying to be a GREAT BIG Sister....
Umm I would have given my whole secret chocolate stash to be a fly on the wall after that to see how you explained to her that she can't do that. That is hilarious!
that is SO hilarious... someday when Van goes on her first date and you share this story, she is going to be mortified!! But thanks for making us all laugh :)
(and on a funny side note, when my niece was born, every time my SIL left the room to nurse, her son would announce to everyone "sissy eat mommy booby milk!" IT was funny!!)
Yeah. Too funny. But also, how sweet! what a sweet sister!
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