it is almost sickening. I wouldn't even feel bad if you just skipped this whole post, because I am a broken record. If you read on, don't say I didn't try to warn you.
I adore that when Vin's eyes are open (and even when they aren't) Van is always talking to him, and trying to entertain him.


The list is endless...but I will spare you...
I adore this post!! Especially the pic of Van thru the sun roof and Vin at the bottom (Those cheeks absolutely kill me and he has PERFECT lips).
I think you should keep doing these every month, and talk about what your kids have been up to that you love.
She just loves him!
He gets cuter and cuter and cuter every picture.
Cute pictures of adorable kids! And I love your necklace. I want one. :)
The pic holding your shirt is by far my fave!
awwww cute!
It is okay to love and adore your children. Wait until they're teenagers. You'll have time to hate them then.
He does have some kissable cheeks! I am waiting for all over here to be healthy to come over and kiss those cheeks!
Sooooo cute. Post at least 50 of these every day!
I love your kids. The. End.
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