I got these done with my friend Amanda our sophomore year in high school. I remember thinking I really liked em...gasp, did I just admit to that. Amanda didn't like the way her pictures turned out. I think that there was turquoise and something shimmery involved in her pictures. =)

Come on people, join the judging...and if you wanna good laugh.
Love it! I remember thinking I loved mine too. But seriously they are fun I think.
Wow - We are sooo H-O-T!!!
The best part is where we had them done...do you remember?
Hehe ;)
Why didn't I have a glamour shot done ever?!?!?! why oh why
Those are FABULOUS!
My 8 year-old daughter just said, "Why did they put on lots of ladies that are beautiful?"
"Prettiful," said the 12-year-old.
Just so you know.
I want to know what the photographer said to you two to get the first pic.
The photographer was a total perv if I remember correctly. Oh, and he must have had the hots for my friend, because her posing was "a little different"!!
I'm with Steph: why didn't I get glamour shots growing up? If I'd only known I'd be able to post them on something called a "blog" someday I'd totally have done it. Evonne, you are HOT!
Those are great! I'm so jealous, I didn't get to wear a leather jacket in mine :0(
I have a great glamor shot. I just need to get it scanned and I will join the fun.
Okay time to pull out the scrap books.... I will join this too, SO much fun! You are HOT!! ;) I got them done TWICE but my pervy biological dad wouldn't give us any copies of the first time around bc he paid for them......
Sooooo jealous of the leather jackets! I didn't get leather. But I am still emotionally scarred so I guess that counts for something. :)
This is the first time in my entire life that I regret never having that done.
Still giggling over the first one.
You look the same with better hair. Totally hot. I wish I had thought to get some done with friends. I got mine done with my dad and sister. Those suckers are expensive! ;-)
Ok, you win, hands down! Love these!!!
I agree - you WIN! By the way, I didn't know they did couples Glamour Shots!
That top one is hot!!! So classic. You look practically the same.
Okay I'm so going to see if I can get someone to recreate that first pose the next time I do a photo shoot. Completely!
Oh my george! The top one made me cackle like a hen that got caught in a doggie door! Thank God I'm home or I'd have been booted from the library!
LOVE IT! You go, girl! Rock the shots!
Wow. The first one is a riot but the second shot of just you is actually pretty good. I think you are beautiful. :)
That first picture made me laugh SO HARD.
The leather would have been SO FUN!
The two of you look like you were diggin' it.
A couple of babes!
Ohh my gosh! These just totally made my night! I don't think I have seen these pics before!
Wow! You have some authentic glamour shots! BEAUTIFUL! :)
Stoppin' by as part of the blog carnival! Hooray for glamour shots!
I love the first picture so much.
Totally and completely awesome. I love the kissing shots with the eyes closed. You look like you should be on the cover of a good 80's album! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and laughing at my pics!
darling. at least you have evidence (pic #1) that your weren't taking it all too seriously!
Actually, the white one isn't so bad! But the kissy one, yes, you look like you should be in a Whitesnake video.
TOTALLY 80's but I looooooooooooove it!!! They're so fun and fluffy!
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