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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Joining Glamour Shots Gone Wild

The infamous Kristina of Pulsipher Predilections is throwing a Glamour Shots Gone Wild Blog Carnival. What is that you ask? If you have glamour shot pictures post them on your blog...then link it up by clicking on this hawt picture below...

I got these done with my friend Amanda our sophomore year in high school. I remember thinking I really liked em...gasp, did I just admit to that. Amanda didn't like the way her pictures turned out. I think that there was turquoise and something shimmery involved in her pictures. =)

Come on people, join the judging...and if you wanna good laugh.


Cranberryfries said...

Love it! I remember thinking I loved mine too. But seriously they are fun I think.

Amanda said...

Wow - We are sooo H-O-T!!!
The best part is where we had them you remember?

Hehe ;)

Steph said...

Why didn't I have a glamour shot done ever?!?!?! why oh why

Lynnae said...

Those are FABULOUS!

Jami said...

My 8 year-old daughter just said, "Why did they put on lots of ladies that are beautiful?"

"Prettiful," said the 12-year-old.

Just so you know.

Vanessa said...

I want to know what the photographer said to you two to get the first pic.

Unknown said...

The photographer was a total perv if I remember correctly. Oh, and he must have had the hots for my friend, because her posing was "a little different"!!

Emily said...

I'm with Steph: why didn't I get glamour shots growing up? If I'd only known I'd be able to post them on something called a "blog" someday I'd totally have done it. Evonne, you are HOT!

Jillybean said...

Those are great! I'm so jealous, I didn't get to wear a leather jacket in mine :0(

Amy said...

I have a great glamor shot. I just need to get it scanned and I will join the fun.

Tiffany said...

Okay time to pull out the scrap books.... I will join this too, SO much fun! You are HOT!! ;) I got them done TWICE but my pervy biological dad wouldn't give us any copies of the first time around bc he paid for them......

Jessica G. said...

Sooooo jealous of the leather jackets! I didn't get leather. But I am still emotionally scarred so I guess that counts for something. :)

Trapped and Screaming said...

This is the first time in my entire life that I regret never having that done.

Still giggling over the first one.

Jones said...

You look the same with better hair. Totally hot. I wish I had thought to get some done with friends. I got mine done with my dad and sister. Those suckers are expensive! ;-)

Hizzeather said...

Ok, you win, hands down! Love these!!!

Camille said...

I agree - you WIN! By the way, I didn't know they did couples Glamour Shots!

Kristina P. said...

That top one is hot!!! So classic. You look practically the same.

Just SO said...

Okay I'm so going to see if I can get someone to recreate that first pose the next time I do a photo shoot. Completely!

Anonymous said...

Oh my george! The top one made me cackle like a hen that got caught in a doggie door! Thank God I'm home or I'd have been booted from the library!

LOVE IT! You go, girl! Rock the shots!

Julie said...

Wow. The first one is a riot but the second shot of just you is actually pretty good. I think you are beautiful. :)

Jules AF said...

That first picture made me laugh SO HARD.

b. said...

The leather would have been SO FUN!

The two of you look like you were diggin' it.
A couple of babes!

Emily Christine said...

Ohh my gosh! These just totally made my night! I don't think I have seen these pics before!

Emily said...

Wow! You have some authentic glamour shots! BEAUTIFUL! :)

NIKOL said...

Stoppin' by as part of the blog carnival! Hooray for glamour shots!

I love the first picture so much.

See Mom Smile said...

Totally and completely awesome. I love the kissing shots with the eyes closed. You look like you should be on the cover of a good 80's album! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and laughing at my pics!

lori said...

darling. at least you have evidence (pic #1) that your weren't taking it all too seriously!

Janet said...

Actually, the white one isn't so bad! But the kissy one, yes, you look like you should be in a Whitesnake video.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

TOTALLY 80's but I looooooooooooove it!!! They're so fun and fluffy!