I knew it was going to be a hard/long day for Van. We wanted her to get a good sleep, and have some sort of normalcy before her world changed forever. Paul watched her in the morning while BFF and I ventured to the hospital for me to get induced.
After hours at the hospital it was time for BFF and Paul to make the baby sitting switch...when Van walked into the delivery room I got extremely emotional. All the pain and hard work of bringing a baby into this world is so worth it, Van is my proof.
BFF showed Van a good time (thank you, BFF!!). A trip to the toy store, lots of sugar was involved, and at one point there was a new outfit. When Vin finally arrived, and was still getting checked out, the call was made to bring Van to the hospital.
Van has adjusted well to being a big sister. She is great at holding him, getting diapers, and she even likes to wipe a poopy bum (crazy girl!). She is already trying to teach Vin things like walking and doing puzzles. =) She also is insanely protective, want proof? Just come and try to hold him. LOL. Van is a huge helper, and Vin couldn't ask for a better big sister. Van loves her baby Vin a. lot.
Is it bad that I kinda love the photo where I can tell Van had been crying? She's such a great big sister. I bet she'll love having someone to play with - even if he's not into Barbies and tea parties quite as much as she may be. Super cute. I'm excited to read the rest of the Sell Story!!
I was the oldest when my brother was born, and we are best friends!
That 2nd to last picture did me in. Will Van let me come hold him? I need a new baby fix.
I love how you can tell she is sooo happy! It's amazing what a new little one can do to all of us.=)
That little Van is going to be such an awesome big sister! What a big day for all of you!
YAY!! I started crying at the first picture, I can't wait to tell my own birth story.....
awww sweet.
Belated Congratulations! You know if you need ANYTHING....call! I can watch Savannah for a few hours so you can rest. Grayson is off track so it would be marvelous! Vin is absolutely beautiful!
what a great story... I can imagine that the change would be hard for Van but I'm glad she's taking to her little brother so well...
that sounds like quite the day not only for you, but for Van - she is an amazing big sis to want to wipe a poopy bum
She is a fabulous big sister. They will be the best of friends. And girls better watch out when the come around because I have a feeling she may kick a little butt.
Van is sooo sweet with her baby brother. I was tearing up reading that post.
I think it's so funny that she got upset when she had to leave the baby. My oldest did the same thing after here baby sister was born, and she was 18 months old.
Apparently that big sister/protector gene is inherent!
Shyla STILL likes to look in Jacob's diaper after I've changed him. She says, "Is he poopy, let me see". Yuck, but it's so facinating to them.
I could tell in that last post about snuggling that she's a fabulous big sister. I love getting to see my kids interact with each other.
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