Wednesdays are like a Monday for me.
We go on treat runs every night...
It marks another week of being off on maternity leave.
Tomorrow will be 6 weeks.
My half way mark.
It is going by way to fast.
I really don't mind work, but I have always said and will continue to say...
my worst day at home is better than going to work!
We have been having fun.
Soakin' up all the time I get to stay home.
Van is learning to be brave on her big girl bike.
I went to a GNO with Vin...he was loved by all the girls.
Oh, and finally got to meet THE Boob Nazi, I can die a happy woman now. ;)

We found a neighbor that has a soda machine outside to purchase drinks, and now that is what Van saves all of her quarters for.
We scrubbed out our red radio flyer, and once it stops being so darn windy...
We scrubbed out our red radio flyer, and once it stops being so darn windy...
we will go on walks with our children in it.
We tried to fly our Spiderman kite.
We worked in the yard.
Play dates. RAWK!
Jumpin' Jacks for a fun birthday party.
We have snuggled, taken lots of naps, and done lots of puzzles.
I get to go to Tae Kwon Do with Van, I realize how much I miss out on.
Paul is addicted to Charleston Chews.
Van is addicted to Hershey with Almonds in it.
My new love is Laffy Taffy.
I printed out over 200 pictures, and I am going to start some projects.
I will start running. gah.
With my new no chocolate, no coke, and now my new found no dairy either...
I am going to be droppin' weight. {I hope!}
I will not waste time pouting.
I will enjoy the next 6 weeks, because I know my dream world will abruptly end.
I will enjoy the next 6 weeks, because I know my dream world will abruptly end.
time certainly does fly by... it seems like we were just at Cafe Rio eating dinner and trying to get that baby to come out! So glad you're able to enjoy the time with your kids while you're home from work
I have less than 6 weeks left before I have this babe. I swear I am going to blink and before I know it I will be a mom and my 12 weeks will be up with my babes and I will be headed back to work. Time needs to stop!! I am with Paul. I love me some charleston chews and a mt.dew to wash it down. Perfection in my book :)
Random question: Does Paul freeze his Charlston Chews? I remember buying one, freezing it and smacking it on the counter. It was so good. I'm wondering why I've only ever had one!!
Time definitely does go by way too fast - especially when babes are so little! Enjoy every moment with your littles, take photos and write more of your awesome blog posts to give you something to look back on.
You get 12 weeks? That is awesome!
There was a house in my neighborhood when I was growing up, that had a soda machine, with bottled soda. It was awesome.
We should have a "Von going back to work" party so it doesn't feel like AS much of a bummer. ;)
Van is so dang cute in her Tae Kwon Do outfit!! I doubt I could do the splits even when I was that young... oy veh.
you are such a great mom! I can't believe it's been 6 weeks already. we never got Mark home for more than 2 weeks after a new baby, but I was always sad when he had to go back to work.
There will still be buckets and buckets of good fun times, that won't end :).
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