My cute Alice in Wonderland is turning the BIG 1 in 6 days! Of course they live in Washington, and we won't be able to attend the bash that will be held in her honor. Boo. So guess what my sista did? She sent the party to us.
In our package we got...
4 cute plates
4 pink spoons
4 pink forks
4 super cute napkins
4 cups
4 cupcake toppers
4 party favors...candy bracelets
and to top it all off party hats!

It was the best package, and honestly Van was totally entertained. We will be baking cupcakes today, and having party food all day long in celebration of our Alice.
We love you girly. Happy Birthday.
Uncle Paul, Auntie Evonnie, Savannah-rama-ding-dong, and Devi
What a cute idea! Happy Birthday Alice!
Oh, that is awesome! What a great idea.
That is such a cute idea. What a nice sister.
I want a party in the mail!! Awesome idea!
i love snail mail, and I love that party in the mail! Awesome!
booger has this onsie. :)
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