My sista gave me the idea of taking Vin's picture in his car seat every week. I didn't really know if I would do it, but ends up it is a really easy/great idea. You are always putting your baby in the car seat, and it is just a matter of remembering.I was going to retake this picture, but I never got around to it. His eyes were bright red from yawning/getting ready to cry. Yes he turns BRIGHT red when he is unhappy. 4 weeks have passed already...and he is already getting so big.
I like to look at where his head was hitting in the first picture (Can I interrupt for a moment and say LOOK at those cheeks resting on the straps!) and then compare with where his head is now. Good golly, babies really do grow so fast!
That's a great idea! I saw an idea in a magazine where the author took pictures of her kids at the end of the dock by the lake every summer. I decided then and there that I would take pictures of my kids sitting by the fireplace every Christmas eve. Traditions are great, aren't they?
Love it!! I can't believe how big he has gotten already. We need to see you guys soon so I can love on him before he is too big to want to be snuggled!! =)
That is a really cool idea. Love seeing just how much a baby changes in a matter of one month. BTW, stopping by from April Showers. Saw you blog name on your comment and it intrigued me. ;)
WoW! He is getting big! These pictures really show his growth!!
I like to look at where his head was hitting in the first picture (Can I interrupt for a moment and say LOOK at those cheeks resting on the straps!) and then compare with where his head is now. Good golly, babies really do grow so fast!
PS i just left you a message on FB.
That's a great idea! I saw an idea in a magazine where the author took pictures of her kids at the end of the dock by the lake every summer. I decided then and there that I would take pictures of my kids sitting by the fireplace every Christmas eve. Traditions are great, aren't they?
So cute!
My friend has this giant stuffed elephant and she takes her son's picture next to the elephant every month. He's almost as big as the elephant now.
what a great idea! he is ADORABLE!! and so big!! :)
That's a great idea! I can't believe how big he is already. And he just keeps getting cuter. :)
What a great idea. I wish I'd thought of that. It's too late now. Your little man is adorable.
Holy Moly he has grown TONS!!
I can't believe how big he's gotten in just 4 weeks! Crazy!!
Love it!! I can't believe how big he has gotten already. We need to see you guys soon so I can love on him before he is too big to want to be snuggled!! =)
Great idea. You can really see how they grow!
Crazy how fast they grow in 4 weeks
Look how big and wide awake he is now! I love that 3 weeks pic- so very 'what in the world, mom...'.
That is a really cool idea. Love seeing just how much a baby changes in a matter of one month.
BTW, stopping by from April Showers. Saw you blog name on your comment and it intrigued me. ;)
He is such a boy! It's still hard to believe I have a nephew!?!?! Love ya Vinny!
He is so cute! Holy crap. He seems so tiny I can't believe how much he has grown.
Oh my goodness, you make my ovaries just start a achin'!!! What a precious thing he is!!!!!!!!!!!
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