written by: Shane Sell
Many of you are familiar with the chick flick movie that just came out titled, He’s just not that into to you. If there was a movie made about my life it would be titled, She’s just not that into you. I imagine many of us can relate to the harsh advice of this movie at least once or twice in our lives. The funny thing about me, despite being a genuinely decent person, I may have the worst luck with women. Over the years I have tried with persistence to find that special someone, but I've struck out in dramatic fashion more times than I would care to mention.

A classic example is my first attempt at having a girl friend. I was 18 years old, and I met a girl I liked through a mutual friend at work. Putting aside my fears and doubts, I asked her out to a movie. Being the wise guy I was, I made sure it was a scary movie we saw, in hopes of… well, you can figure that one out. Things sparked from there. Soon we were taking trips to Santa Cruz beach, camping in the mountains together, and attending baseball games. Things seemed to be going too well until the dreaded day. I knew that this girl was headed off to college in another state. 
Being innocent and naïve, it never even crossed my mind that once this girl left for Utah, chances were she was never coming back to California single. The only thing on on mind was the excitement I had from my first kiss, and holding hands with my first real girl friend. Things took a turn for the worst when I received a call from this girl, a mere week and a half after she had left for college in Utah. The conversation was brief and painful. She had called to tell me that she had met another guy at a party, and they had kissed. Almost as if this girl had no decency left in her, she asked me “does that make you mad?” Stunned from the situation, and what had just happened, I ended the conversation heart-broken and almost in tears. My first attempt at love had come crashing down fast.

I imagine many of us can relate to jumping into our first relationship too fast. By the way this 23 year old kid, is still single, with countless similar stories to share. What advice other than keep trying, would you give this lost soul? Can anybody else relate to this story? Stay tuned for the rest of the drama.
Shane's Bio:
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Weight: 160
Born in Livermore, California
Great with Van, and has taken her on multiple dates! =)
Currently attending BYU Idaho, and is a Jr.
Majoring in Construction Management
Wanna be his friend on facebook? Click here.
Please no married women!
Man if Laura was only home from her mission yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh! Oh! Wait, I have a cousin that ok Evonne we gotta talk
Good luck Shane! :)
I have no advice other than to say I've been in the same position more times than I care for, but a little time at the singles ware brought me to Jake and everything changed. Good luck and do keep us posted!
I used to be so great at setting people up. In fact, me and my husband set up two of our closest friends and they got married and I think we should've gotten a huge reward, but we didn't ;)!
Anyway, just stopped by to check out your blog. Love the design. So fun & bright!
I'm so glad to have gotten to know you recently & to have been able to hang with you twice in one week. You were cracking me up on the red carpet. I can't wait to see the pics :).
Oh! Sorry, Shane! How do you feel about someone older and has children? That's all I've got. She great though if you interested! She's my second hubby!
www.LDSLINKUP.com is where I met my husband, its a great site, tells alot and is free I made so many friends on there. I lived in a small town so it made it fun to meet other people and got to know alot of them before we met and alot of people then go on group dates to meet them...it was alot of fun! Sure you can find some great friends there...or even the right one!
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