Although I feel like I have the most opinionated 4 year old on the planet, you are probably the happiest child I could have asked for. You are extremely well behaved in public, I can think of very few tantrums. Today is a day that will mark history, your biggest tantrum in public to date. We were at Harmon's grocery store, and you wanted pink juice (bubble gum to be exact) in a bottle. I told you that if you could guess the flavor, I would buy it. Just for the record we already had in the fridge at home Capri Suns, Hi C juice boxes, multiple kinds of soda, and multiple kinds of concentrate juices in the freezer. You didn't guess the flavor, and we ventured to the check out stand. You did not go quietly, but I kept my cool. I am in the middle of paying, and you scream in front of at least 25 people "You aren't buying my pink juice, and I am gonna run away from you now!" AND that is just what you did. I got a few comments like "whoa!"...but I still kept my cool. That is until I got to the car where I immediately had the biggest melt down, and yes I am PMSing! I cried all the way home, and thought about how much I want to give you the world. I would have just gone back to buy the pink juice, but I can't show my face there for another week! Thank you for that Van!

When I watch you my heart leaps. You are everything I want to be. I love everything about you. From your love for shrimp to you singing to EVERY. SINGLE. SONG. in the car, you are my heart and soul.

I never thought that I would find another person in this world that wanted to have a baby as much as I do, until you. I watch you stare at all the babies that pass us, just like I always do. I think that I am going to make us a paper chain to count down "until we try".

Thank you for teaching me something new every day, even if that means that I can't go to Harmon's for a year.
I love you.
Oh man alive! Way to keep your cool, I probably would of just said forget it to the checker and left!
Thank you for this post. I loved reading it and, boy, I can relate... I currently have the most opinionated 3 year old in the world.
what we go through for our children LOL what a great mom! You are so sweet! Just wait it just gets more entertaining and exciting when you add more kids to the mix, but its worth every bit of it!
It's moments like these that make me less terrified of becoming a mom!
Yeah. Um. Parenting does suck.
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