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Saturday, May 2, 2009

we finally met IRL

Callee was one of the first people to delurk themselves on my blog. I loved her from the first comment. We just clicked. We have been trying to meet for months. It finally happened, because Callee decided to have a garage sale. What better place to meet than a garage sale, right?! lolIt is so awesome to meet someone you feel like you already know. I wish that her blog wasn't listed under my private poops...I understand why she is private, but still I would love for everyone to enjoy Callee. She is always making me laugh.
I knew right off we were going be friends for life, because I showed up this morning...she had a Coke in one hand and donuts in the other for me! Can't wait for pedis with you soon!
Does anyone want to join us?
Oh, and you wanna know what I got from the garage sale?

Van was beyond thrilled!

Did you enter to win my giveaways here and here?!


Cal said...

okay, I look like CRAP!!! and you look darling. That meant so much to me that you drove out to the land of nowhere to meet me at my trashy yard sale. I think you are wonderful and I can't wait to hang out more. It will happen, I just know it. You rock!
ps- at least you know that there are 2 Mavericks by me now! lol!!!!
love ya

Sam Jo said...

I hope you went and saw the movie! Tell me what you think!

Christina said...

Too bad it wasn't in CA, I've been looking for a kitchen just like that for Shyla but with no luck so far. Well I've found them but I'm trying to find used... I'm a bit on the frugal side.

Amy W said...

So you finally met my sister!!! Yay! I knew you two would hit it off!

Emily Christine said...

I am always up for pedi's!! I love the new kitchen, Van is going to LOVE that!

Sam Jo said...

Why did you not like it?? I loved the first ghost! She made the whole movie for me! No other movies that I have seen lately!