If you don't remember my absolute hatred for surprises, let me remind you again, I HATE THEM! Luckily I married Paul, who doesn't like to keep surprises from me. ;) My birthday is in April, and I have celebrated it as early as February before. Two years ago was our first time opening presents from each other on Christmas morning. Yes, that makes for at least 9 years of celebrating Christmas early. My siblings and I while growing up would "exchange information" before Christmas morning. We always knew what we were getting! Some might say I take all of the fun out of it, I can't disagree! I can't help it. I get anxiety just thinking about opening a present in front of people and not knowing what it is.With all of this being said, why would Mother's Day be any different in our house!? It isn't. I came home from work, and Van popped out of her room with another beautiful family photo of us...this time with a baby (Aaah Van, a baby will come soon, I promise!). She yelled "happy mother's day!" What a great way to end my day! Of course a holiday wouldn't be complete without adding another D&B baby to my collection, would it!?
My favorite part of the purse is definitely this...

Paul must really love me, because I just told him that I wanted this purse on Saturday. Talk about ask and ye shall receive! Oh, and because I can't leave the other purses out, here they all are...

Did you enter my giveaways? Go ahead! Do it!
Look at that fab collection! Beauty!
cute purse!
I love surprises(good ones anyway) but I usually get told ahead of time what I am getting or its so obvious that its not much of a surprise. Someday maybe :) My husband did surprise me with a new purse I mentioned I liked once too.. it was cool.
wow! talk about uuuh-mazing purses! i love every single one! happy mothers day to you! :]
I LOVE IT!!! So cute!
Paul is the absolute BEST!!! You are so lucky to have this family, you, van and Paul, oh and the little ones the D&B's! Don't they all complete you? I think so!
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