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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

holidays come early at our house

If you don't remember my absolute hatred for surprises, let me remind you again, I HATE THEM! Luckily I married Paul, who doesn't like to keep surprises from me. ;) My birthday is in April, and I have celebrated it as early as February before. Two years ago was our first time opening presents from each other on Christmas morning. Yes, that makes for at least 9 years of celebrating Christmas early. My siblings and I while growing up would "exchange information" before Christmas morning. We always knew what we were getting! Some might say I take all of the fun out of it, I can't disagree! I can't help it. I get anxiety just thinking about opening a present in front of people and not knowing what it is.
With all of this being said, why would Mother's Day be any different in our house!? It isn't. I came home from work, and Van popped out of her room with another beautiful family photo of us...this time with a baby (Aaah Van, a baby will come soon, I promise!). She yelled "happy mother's day!" What a great way to end my day! Of course a holiday wouldn't be complete without adding another D&B baby to my collection, would it!?My favorite part of the purse is definitely this...Paul must really love me, because I just told him that I wanted this purse on Saturday. Talk about ask and ye shall receive! Oh, and because I can't leave the other purses out, here they all are...

Did you enter my giveaways? Go ahead! Do it!


Amber! said...

Look at that fab collection! Beauty!

brandon and jakell said...

cute purse!

I love surprises(good ones anyway) but I usually get told ahead of time what I am getting or its so obvious that its not much of a surprise. Someday maybe :) My husband did surprise me with a new purse I mentioned I liked once too.. it was cool.

-nick and whitley- said...

wow! talk about uuuh-mazing purses! i love every single one! happy mothers day to you! :]

Emily Christine said...

I LOVE IT!!! So cute!

tlkcreations said...

Paul is the absolute BEST!!! You are so lucky to have this family, you, van and Paul, oh and the little ones the D&B's! Don't they all complete you? I think so!