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Friday, May 22, 2009

Redneck GPS

I went to an unfamiliar territory last night. I asked for directions, and this is what my Boss draws for me. Who could find their way from this? Really?


Laura Marchant said...

LOL, did I give you directions? Because this totally looks like something I might do. Although I usually refer to a red barn at one point or another.

Jerilee E. said...

This totally looks like directions my husband would draw for me! Of course, his directions would also probably turn out to be wrong.. even with the awesome map drawing skills.

April JoAnne said...

haha this looks like something a 5 year old child would draw!

And just so you know- if you don't have a GPS and get lost on the road you can text "Directions from orem, ut to whatever address you need" to google at: 466453

They text you back directions- it's awesome and free!

Candice said...

Ha! I can't find my way around with a GPS much less than scribble scrabble. It's pretty funny though.