After having Van we decided that our current home wasn't where we wanted to raise our family. We didn't want to go house poor, but we wanted something decent. The neighborhood that we chose is around 3 years old, and still is expanding with new homes. I don't think that there is a home under $200,000 in the area, but after seeing these pictures you will wonder about our decision...
Yes, someone considers this jungle their front yard. Really peeps!
Does anyone else consider this grass?
Half of this is our front yard...that is why it's green, but then they had to go and stick a couch on their front porch! Why? They need a comfy place to smoke, of course!
I am thinking positively with these looks like they might attempt to try something. It is all I can hope for.Please can someone come move by me!? My street is needing some TLC!
**Go enter my giveaways! Keep scrolling down. =)**
You would die if you saw my yard. We have lived here 4 years and have yet to put in a yard. We neeeeed to desperately. I want a yard SO bad. We even went and bought some of the parts to put in a sprinkler system about a week ago so we can start, but it's all so overwhelming. Ugh. I hate big projects like that. We have to start from scratch... but it's getting to scratch that is the hard part.
I hope your neighbors clean up a bit... wish I could live by you and have a nice tidy yard!
Ugh that has got to be frustrating!
uh oh... looks like my yard too! We are poor, but we try to keep our weeds nice looking. at least I don't have a couch on my porch
I drive past that house everyday and think the same thing! I had no idea you lived right next door. I love the camper in the backyard...
We don't have a perfect yard yet, but we do what we can to make it look decent. Good luck with the neighbor, I think we all have one close by.
I so wish that I could buy a home on your street!! Wouldn't that just be the bomb!! Kenz could play with Van and we could do all of our well intended projects.... oh someday! Tell Billy Bob to get with the project and clean up!!!
Sooooo, did ya notice my front yard today? At least I can pass the blame to my landscaper!
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