Spencer Pratt
Who is on Twitter? Am I following you? The real question is, are you following Spencer Pratt? I am, and when he tweeted his digits, we called! It took a couple of times, but it happened, we got through. We had him on speaker phone, and when he said hello, you guessed it...Landon got cold feet and HUNG UP ON HIM!! I started freaking out. Landon will seriously never live this down. We tried and tried to get through again with no luck. Landon got a bit tired of it...
I pushed on, and I have to say that I did get a bit irritated by the end. On one of the messages he says that he missed a call from Hannah Montana...I was sayin' HELLO Spencer, you are missing Evonce's call! I am way more important, don't you think?
Ohh Spencer. The man we love to hate. I love the picture of Landon laying down on the desk!
I love when you say seriously this is ridiculous!!!!
Dang! I would have loved to hear you tell Spencer what you think. I think Landon should have to stand in the corner.
I'm afraid I would have done the same thing and hung from shock! But oh the things I would like to say to him and the questions I would ask...
hung UP from shock, even
Is it totally lame-o that I have no idea who Spencer is... and I totally had to google him? I need a life.
And I am STILL laughing that Landon hung up on him!
OMG I am cracking up reading this...I am so going over to twitter right now to follow him!
Too funny.
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