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Friday, July 31, 2009

My Fresh Start.

(Van going cRazY...trying on baby clothes!)

I have a lot of bad habits. I want to change. I want to become someone different, someone better. I don't want to be what genetics tell me to be, or what I was taught to be. I want to defy all odds.
I started reading a new book called Growing-Up Organized today. This might be shocking to some, it is even shocking to me that I am actually reading something that doesn't have to do with vampires. After 60 something pages, I am feeling renewed and ready to conquer.
Lately my life has been like a time bomb went off in all aspects. My house is never clean anymore, our "Old Blue" broke, I can't remember anything, oh...and did I mention that I'm pregnant? Most people wouldn't be phased by all the craziness, but I am a bit frazzled.
I need to get organized. My first project is Van's closet. I know it should be my schedule that I tackle first, but every day I go into Van's room and look at the mess billowing out of the closet doors...I get a little testy. It is time to get our schedule, house, and life back in to tip top shape. I have to do it or I might just go crazy before I even have Baby #2.
I'll let you know how it all goes...wish me luck. I will be taking before and after pictures of all my accomplishments.
Oh, and I completely forgot to mention. Lea Schneider, the author of said book, is going to be helping me along the way. Apparently she could tell from my blog that I might be going a little mad, and it was time to bring in the big dawgs!

My favorite thing Lea said in the book so far is...
This is going to be my motto while I tackle the closet.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Take Your Guess.

Take your guess on what Baby #2 is going to be.
Someone was mean, and already voted TWINS!
That is just wrong.
It will be fun to see what everyone thinks!
Of course you will find the widget below the Bri/Vin label
over on this side----->
I really didn't intend to make all my friends feel bad by putting that comment on my thankful list. I love all of you too!

Thankful Thursday: Just Because

It is the wee hours of the morning, and I can't sleep. I am blaming it on the slight nausea that I feel from the new life that is growing inside me. But really it is my mind that is going a million miles a minute.

My top 10 reason to feel rrreally thankful today...
  • I took the day off to spend it with Van and Paul.
  • I am always surrounded by uh-mazing people.(Isn't this the funniest tag that Van had to wear at the Thanksgiving Point tour?)
  • I was telling someone that I didn't have any friends...and Van immediately piped in and said "I'm your friend!"
  • I have never felt more loved than I do right now.
  • I have a dependable car.
  • I have a job, Paul has a business, and my dreams are all coming true.
  • my hubbs seriously is the most supportive man I know.
  • I am well fed, and it shows. ;)
  • I can be myself!
  • I have a new baby on the way. the. end.

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Meet "Tango"

Apparently the birds didn't get the memo that "Tango" doesn't like!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Food Review and Giveaway: Z Tejas

I am totally excited about this review and giveaway...I think I have been talking about it for a solid week. I hadn't been to Z Tejas in years, and was thrilled about going back. Z Tejas is a Southwestern style restaurant with a variety of things to choose from. I know I use to think that everything on their menu was not the case...check out their summer menu here.

I am a firm believer in customer service. It can make or break any experience you have. If the food is less that spectacular, it can make the food taste divine. Just a personal thought. From start to finish the staff at Z Tejas were courteous, helpful in going over the menu, and didn't miss a chance to refill Paul's Dr Pepper. It made me like the restaurant even before I tried all the scrumptious food.Oh me, oh my is right!! This corn bread looks as good as it tasted. I am totally addicted. I might just start craving this at Midnight (Don't say I didn't warn you Paul!).
This was my meal...Barbacoa Enchiladas...smothered in Green Chile. TOO die for!

This is Paul's meal...he got a Steak Burrito...not smothered.
AND this is seriously the #1 reason why you should go try Z Tejas on a Monday, are you ready? When you buy an entree, your child eats FREE!! I know, right?!This didn't even look like a kids meal to me. Does it to you? In case you were wondering, I totally stole her left overs and ate them for dinner. It was that good.Are you guys ready for the best part?
Z Tejas wants to give one of my readers
a $40 Gift Card...yup...$40.
Okay, and the other really fantastic part of this review dessert! Peach-Berry Cobbler. Droooolling.
Which BTW, the variety changes every 3 or 4 days.

Okay so comment away ladies and gents.
Tell me what you love about Z Tejas.
Tell me you just need a hott date with your wife.
Tell me you have never tried it and want to.
Just comment, AND you will be entered for 40 freakin' dollars to Z Tejas!

Oh, and I am going to offer an extra 5 points to all my followers. Become one if you have to. ;) AND you don't have to leave extra comments...I know who all of you are.

This giveaway ends August 2nd @ Midnight.


Oooh, the best part of wakin' up on a Monday morning is giving out prizes! MyBlogSpark is going to be sending two gift baskets to these ladies...

the nayz said...
I like a lot of the flavors, but my favorite is key lime refreshing.

Rachel said...

I need your & addy
I will forward it to MyBlogSpark,
and they will send you some Yoplait Swag!
Happy Monday!
Just you wait until tomorrow.
Another food review, and lemme give you a card.
It is worth checkin' back.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I am still wondering what Van will do with all of her time once Summer is over. She can spend countless hours chasing after bugs. Paul and I still can't figure out where her love for these creatures came from...neither of us even want to come near the things.

Blog Designer

As always Leisha, my blog designer, has gone creative on me!
How do you like my new flashing header?
Oh, and let's not leave Bri/Vin out...she/he has a little sidebar header for future belly shots, ultrasound pictures, and maybe even a count down. =)
Thank you Leisha!
I think that you are uh-mazing!
Thank you to all my friends that have left me a sweet comment about our new addition. We are glad that you will be apart of our new adventure, and we can't wait to share with all of you.

Friday, July 24, 2009

our new adventure.

Today in Utah it is a holiday...Pioneer Day. The celebrations are a lot like the 4th of July. Fun right? Um, that is what we thought before this happened...I had to work, and was away from my desk when a fellow co-worker came to find me in the warehouse. I can't remember what he said, but something a long the lines that Paul is stranded because your car blew up. Just freakin' peachy! Paul and I always have something bad happen like this on a holiday or a weekend. Maybe we are just lucky like this. =)
Our "Old Blue" is just that, OLD. We have driven this car for the past 9 years, and it probably has 300,000 miles on it. We would know exact miles, but the speedometer quit working approximately 4 years ago...oh, and we didn't fix it.
We knew that this was the end to "Old Blue". We headed straight to the Larry H Miller to our guy Wayne. We bought our new "Tango", and sold "Old Blue" for $1. {tear}
This was not in our plan for at least another year, but I do have to say that Wayne made everything smooth, easy, and fun. We had just bought the "Silver Bullet" from him a year ago, and he is familiar with Paul's forceful, quirky ways! (How funny are these two together? Paul and Wayne aka GREATEST Sales Guy!)
Of course Van's favorite part of the experience is ALL the free popcorn and soda that she could handle in 4 hours.Oh, and you wanna know what my favorite part was? It was definitely not signing on the dotted line for an expensive purchase that was was what I found in their vending machines!!!We left our car stranded on the side of the road, and I cried all the way home. It was like those harzard lights were telling me not to leave "Old Blue" behind. We have made so many memories with "Old Blue"...Disneyland, Washington, San Fran multiple times, so many trips to Idaho, and lets not forget we brought our Van home from the hospital in "Old Blue". We are starting a new chapter with "Tango". With that new decade of memories we are going to make, we start off by annoucing that Baby #2 is 6 weeks in the making.I wanted to keep our new baby a secret, but apparently Bri/Vin doesn't want it to be that way! This was taken at 5 weeks...
Some of you might have thought I was going crazy by cutting Coke out of my regular diet, but I don't want to get the baby addicted too early. LOL
We are excited, especially Van. We look forward to our Spring babe. =)

Flashback Friday!

What a difference a year makes!
This reminds me to enjoy every minute, because it goes by way too fast.
You can never have too many pictures!
AND the best advice I got from Nicea Degering at the conference was "Play!"

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer = dry cracked heals

I am pretty sure that these socks are one of the best inventions evvver!!

You lotion your heals, put these socks on, and the heel has this gel type stuff to lock in the moisture! I absolutely HATE wearing socks, but these aren't so bad. You can still wear flip flops if you want to moisturize on the go. =) My heels are like butter! I can't even tell you what brand these are, but they were purchased at Wally World for some ridiculously low price. This is the best my feet have looked in years.

AND totally off the subject day 3 of no Coke, and I am doin' splendid! Tell me you are not proud right now?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thick & Creamy Yoplait Review and Giveaway

I am turning over a new leaf, and I am going to try and not drink a soda for breakfast everyday. This is a huge step for me. This past week I have been trying to find new and delish things to fill in the void.
MyBlogSpark sent me a gift basket from Yoplait, and asked me to try out their Thick and Creamy yogurt. My first thought was that it wouldn't be any different. Boy was I wrong!! Have you tried these yet? I am on my third flavor, and I have liked them all. I can't decide which one I like the most. I love the thick texture, and I really like that there isn't any chunks of fruit...just a personal preference.
Do you want your own gift basket? MyBlogSpark wants to send two of my readers Yoplait swag (trust me it's worth it)! Just tell me what your favorite flavor of Yoplait yogurt...and you are entered!

ta ta for now!
Contest will end July 26th @ Midnight!

my love.

My dearest Vannah,
Thank you for being the best example that I could ever ask for...
You are accepting of everyone.
You don't judge.
You always want to choose the right.
You look forward to going to church every week.
You dance, sing, and aren't afraid of being yourself. You love to share.
You always are willing to help.
You forgive quickly,
and apologize even faster.
Thank you Van.
You are always just what I need.
I love you.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Guest Post: Vanessa from I Never Grew Up

Hi, I am Evonne's friend Vanessa and we are posting on each other's sites today, cause you know it is fun to MIX IT UP once and awhile. Evonne is over at my site, doing who knows what ;)

We both decided to answer this set of questions to introduce ourselves a bit.

I am: confused but content
I have: the most beautiful kids in the world
I know: that we are very blessed
I think: that I daydream way too much
I don't think: sometimes before talking...ok well A LOT
I want: a less crazy life
I like: online shopping way too much
I dislike: blue cheese
I hate: people who think they are better
I dream: that we will move to Spain in two years
I fear: that i will lose more loved ones
I am annoyed: way too often!
I crave: chocolate
I usually: feel tired all day long
I search: for new friends everyday
I hide: games i don't feel like playing with the kids! :)
I wonder: what will happen in the next five years
I know: that there is a lot in store for my family
I just can't help: being moody
I regret: my life from 13-19
I love: my family
I can't live without: my family
I try to: to have patience
I enjoy: cooking sooo much
I don't care: i wish I didn't care what people thought
I always: worry about loved ones
I never want to: lose any more loved ones
I rely on: myself
I believe: that motherhood requires sacrifice
I dance: every day with my girls and ONLY my girls
I sing: lullabies every night
I argue: during a special week and a half of every month, with EVERYONE
I write: every day and love it
I win: usually nothing, which is ok!
I lose: my mind when I am stressed
I wish: I could see 5 yrs down the road to see who and where we will be
I listen: to music all day long (Amy Seely is the bestest)
I don't understand: people sometimes
I forgot: to switch the laundry
I am happy: when my house is content

Evonne and I basically are twelve years old, and decided to do an Iron Chef Challenge. I wanted her to try Black Bean Brownies which she tried...about 3 crumbs worth but her cutie daughter LOVED THEM. TOTALLY chose mine over her Mom's, boo ya Evonne! You might not find this video as funny as we did, but who cares we had a blast!

When I first met Evonne I knew instantly that I wanted to be her friend. I knew I could trust her, depend on her, not worry about what she thought of me and could feel how genuine she was right away.

My Five Top Reasons Why Evonne is the Bestest

#5 I love having her as my "wing man" or WO-man I should say.

#4 We complain to eachother about silly insecure things but don't have to worry about sounding dumb to each other cause we totally understand each other.

#3 She is a sweet Mama and wife and reminds me to be better every day. My daughter just ADORES Savannah, we talk about her every single day.

#2 She works hard for her family and friends, I am amazed at all she does and really look up to her.

#1 Evonne is the BEST DANCER EVER, she is hilarious, fun and can LET GO! (which ps you need to teach me how to do)

Love you Evonne! So glad we met IRL and can be friends, and that now our daughters can be friends! Don't forget to visit Evonne over at


Did you think that I forgot?

Just because Vanessa took over my blog, you thought I would forget to tell you who the winner of the Yogurt Stop gift cards is...silly peeps!

makeitworkmom said...
Oh my gosh - you could go back dozens of times and not get the same thing twice! It looks like such a fun place I'm always willing to try something at least once... I'm game!

Congrats girly! Send me your 4-1-1, of course!
Thank you to everyone that entered...another giveaway tomorrow!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

we visit Cowabunga Bay

I went to Cowabunga Bay before it opened and got the inside dealio for the Sassy Scoops blog. I was so excited to see if it was as fun as it looked. If you haven't noticed the huge new water park off of I-15 in Draper, it is colorful and very eye catching. I knew that it was going to be extremely crowded, because it just opened this summer...but I am okay with crowds. It gives me more entertainment...I think you all know my love for people watching. It was mid 90's today, and you would have never guessed it. None of us could figure out why it was so cold once you started climbing the stairs to go on slides. Everyone had goose bumps, and was shivering. It might have had something to do with the constant water being sprayed at you by all the contraptions they have set up. I have to say that it is a little obnoxious! Not everyone likes having ice cold water sprayed in their faces. It made Van cry multiple times. =(
The things that I really did love about Cowabunga Bay was FREE life jackets, and FREE tubes for the lazy river. We spent the majority of our time on the lazy river...we tried to avoid the slides all together. As Paul and I sat there in the little wading area, I asked Paul if he thought it was worth the cost...and then we both looked at Van. Of course. Will we go back again this season? Probably not, but that doesn't mean that we don't like it.

I find that it doesn't matter what I do, I have fun because I am with the people that I love the most.

Well, I am off to soak up every last minute we have with Uncle Jackie.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Food Review: Normandie

If any of you were able to attend the lunch at the Mom's Who Make It Conference you were able to experience lunch from Normandie. I had never heard of this, but it was love at first site when I saw our "box lunches"! I chose the Roasted Chicken Salad Croissant, All American Pasta Salad, and for dessert...the eclair! I absolutely LOVED my sandwich. It was literally the BEST Chicken Salad sandwich that I have ever had. I could eat one right now, if only they were open. =)
The salad looked very appetizing, but it was a little dry. I could have definitely had a little more flavor. Just sayin'.
AND then there was the eclair...bliss! Does this picture sum it up??If you ask me if I would actually go to Normandie...the answer would be YES.
If you ask me if I would try something new...the answer would be NO. I loved my sandwich that much.
Have you been to Normandie? What do you recommend? Never been, but wanna go now...
Normandie is on 1984 E Murray Holladay Salt Lake City.
Dieting is not for me, a muffin top is what I'll be.