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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer = dry cracked heals

I am pretty sure that these socks are one of the best inventions evvver!!

You lotion your heals, put these socks on, and the heel has this gel type stuff to lock in the moisture! I absolutely HATE wearing socks, but these aren't so bad. You can still wear flip flops if you want to moisturize on the go. =) My heels are like butter! I can't even tell you what brand these are, but they were purchased at Wally World for some ridiculously low price. This is the best my feet have looked in years.

AND totally off the subject day 3 of no Coke, and I am doin' splendid! Tell me you are not proud right now?


Kristina P. said...

Do you think it would be passive aggressive to send these to my coworker who has disguting feet, and always wears sandals?

Cranberryfries said...

I dont mind socks but I hardly ever where them, even in the winter. This year though my heel actually cracked so I goobered it up with lotion and put two socks on one foot and slept like that for 2 or 3 nights. Wala.
I love those though since like you said, it's not like socks. Maybe just little hugs on your feet. Haha.

Way to go with the no Coke thing~!!

Jerilee E. said...

I hate wearing socks.. but these don't look so bad cuz they don't cover the toes. I always wear sandals.. all seasons included! Ok, I may seem like a clown for asking this... but what in the what is Wally World?? Also, I have been off diet pepsi for 2 days and doing pretty good... considering my current condition. Yay for fighting addiction!!

Unknown said...

Wally World = Wal Mart =) I am so proud that you are fighting your addiction right there with me.

You should totally just send your coworker an anonymous link to this post. LOL

Frieda Loves Bread said...

These look great! I have socks that came with a heel lotion, but I don't like how they cover my toes...they can't breathe! I'll have to run down and buy some, thanks!

Pamela said...

A good trick is to use bag the kind for cow udders. Yep! I am making this suggestion. Fo Real! Lather that stuff on put on some sock and off to bed you go! So glad your little heeels are feeling better.

Krystal said...

I love those non-socks! I just might have to find me some at wally next time I'm there... AND Kristina - you should totally give them to the co-worker, but only after you wear them first and rave about how amazing they are... maybe give them to a few people so the co-worker doesn't feel targeted :)

Michelle said...

I got a ped egg and it has done wonders to my feet. after I use it, I put lotion on and it's made a huge difference.

the nayz said...

I absolutely need a pair of those socks. Off to Wallys for me!!!

Cal said...

I am so disappointed in you. who will be my coke buddy? Okay, so another really good remedy for your heels is Burts Bee foot treatment, little expensive, but it has the best results out of anything that I have tried.

Brenda said...

CONGRATES on your Coke goal! I know it can be hard. Looks like those socks really helped. I will have to get some.=)

Jones - Keeping Up With Mom said...

Hmm, good idea. And yes, I am very proud of you. Going off soda is tough fo sho! Thanks for commenting on my blog hop post :) If I ever find where they sell those particular car clings, then I will purchase one for you lol K Bye :)

dust and kam said...

Those are fancy!

marci said...

Okay, so I bought these at Wally-World last night and tried them out overnight. And I can confirm that they pretty much healed my heel. After only one night, my heels are thanking me. Not so many cracks anymore. Thanks for this tip!

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