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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thankful Thursday: Just Because

It is the wee hours of the morning, and I can't sleep. I am blaming it on the slight nausea that I feel from the new life that is growing inside me. But really it is my mind that is going a million miles a minute.

My top 10 reason to feel rrreally thankful today...
  • I took the day off to spend it with Van and Paul.
  • I am always surrounded by uh-mazing people.(Isn't this the funniest tag that Van had to wear at the Thanksgiving Point tour?)
  • I was telling someone that I didn't have any friends...and Van immediately piped in and said "I'm your friend!"
  • I have never felt more loved than I do right now.
  • I have a dependable car.
  • I have a job, Paul has a business, and my dreams are all coming true.
  • my hubbs seriously is the most supportive man I know.
  • I am well fed, and it shows. ;)
  • I can be myself!
  • I have a new baby on the way. the. end.

What are you thankful for today?


vanessa said...

what do you mean you have no friends? you silly silly gal

love you

Jane of Seagull Fountain said...

Yeah, hey, I'm your friend too!

You guys looks so cute and happy there.

(Good for you getting your post up. I started last night, and then my brain was like mashed potatoes, so I thought I'd better wait.)

tlkcreations said...

"NO FRIENDS"??? What am I? chopped liver or something? Just kidding!! I {heart} you and am proud to call you my FRIEND!

Krystal said...

no friends?? We must do lunch sometime so I can remind you how amazing you are! And, I will be your friend too :)

I am thankful for... YOU (though I might change my mind after today's delivery, lol) but really, you have helped me out during this moving process... and I am thankful for a job and an education so that I can have a cute little house... and soon I will be thankful to be DONE with school... :)

marci said...

These pics are adorable!

kendahl a. said...

It was possibly the cutest thing I heard all day yesterday. "I'm your friend!" What a doll you have in Van.

I'm thankful that I got to spend all day yesterday with you ladies and learn more about all of you! I wish I could have taken Punk but that's the way step-mommyhood goes.

Jerilee E. said...

I have no friends, either... however, it seems to me like YOU have LOTS and LOTS of friends :)!! My girls say I am their best friend, so I have them!!
And, too answer the questions- I am thankful for my family.. especially a husband who understands that I feel like crap these days and doesn't expect much from me ;)!! Awhile ago he gave a newlywed friend some advice- if the Mom/wife isn't happy, nobody is happy! Here's to good supportive husbands!!

Laura Marchant said...

I love that she told you she was your friend! So cute!

Emily Christine said...

I loved this post! I can't tell how excited I am for you! And I loved Savannah's name tag. I hope you know that I think you are the best and I love you so much!!

Burkes said...

I'm your sister...not your friend? Okay!
I'm thankful for a four day weekend with the family!

Veeda said...

I'm totally impressed you already blogged about Thanksgiving Point too. I had no idea you are expecting -- congrats! it was nice to meet you and go around together.

I'm really excited to see and read about the party of 4.