Before I ever think about doing a food review, I always try the place multiple times. I feel like sometimes you just get a bad meal, and you can't judge a place by one bad experience.
I have been to Five Guys a couple of times now. I still don't like their fries, because I am more of a Carl's Jr, Burger King, and Mickey D's fry girl. The first time that I went my burger was good, and then there was my most recent, not so good. My bun was really dry. They put way too much of each sauce, and it soaked right up in the bun...making it really soggy. frowny-face. I feel like if you are going to charge that much for a burger, it should have all fresh ingredients.
My next stop was La Puente. I have tried a variety of their food, and nothing is spectacular. I thought that their salsa was pretty good, but it kind of weirds me out that they have it in a ketchup bottle. I dunno why!?
Hopefully next week I will have better reviews to report.
Dieting is not for me, a muffin top is what I'll be!
Ok, this makes me laugh because when I saw Five Guys I was like oh here comes another post where I hear about how awesome Five Guys is and I have no clue what a Five Guys is (I read Mrs. R too, lol) But then I read your review and had to agree, Mrs. R is going to hurt you :-)
I would have to agree about Five Guys. The burgers were fine but nothing amazing. The hamburger patty kept breaking apart... both times... which means I had to work way to hard to eat it! I like my food to be easy to shove in my mouth :).
I just saw 5 guys for the first time last year and they built one in our area just about 4 months ago. I'm still interested in trying it out. I gotta get my hands on their fries at least and see if they're any good. See if our standards in that area match. ;)
I love Mexican food. Where is your favorite place?
My all time favorite Mexican food is definitely El Paisa Grill...I have done a food review on it before. I have tried A LOT of different places, and there are some that are better than others.
I'm sad that you didn't have good food at Five Guys, I quite like it! The fries did take some getting used to, but now I don't mind it so much... I actually don't like hamburgers at all, but I LOVE theirs... and I just tried the grilled cheese and it was divine... I've been craving five guys all week, actually!
pshaw five guys is waaay good, not as good as jcws hey is moochies still on your list for places to try i am dying to here how you like that one
Have to agree with Puente. Haven't been back for almost 7 years. Better places on the block. What do you think of La Luna?
I agree with you about the fries. I really like BK's fries. I found your site through the Hive and look forward to reading your posts from another Utah blogger!
I need to start asking you where I should go when I want to try something new! So far I've had bad luck with new restaurants.
I am not a 5 GUYS fan either!
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