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Monday, July 20, 2009

Guest Post: Vanessa from I Never Grew Up

Hi, I am Evonne's friend Vanessa and we are posting on each other's sites today, cause you know it is fun to MIX IT UP once and awhile. Evonne is over at my site, doing who knows what ;)

We both decided to answer this set of questions to introduce ourselves a bit.

I am: confused but content
I have: the most beautiful kids in the world
I know: that we are very blessed
I think: that I daydream way too much
I don't think: sometimes before talking...ok well A LOT
I want: a less crazy life
I like: online shopping way too much
I dislike: blue cheese
I hate: people who think they are better
I dream: that we will move to Spain in two years
I fear: that i will lose more loved ones
I am annoyed: way too often!
I crave: chocolate
I usually: feel tired all day long
I search: for new friends everyday
I hide: games i don't feel like playing with the kids! :)
I wonder: what will happen in the next five years
I know: that there is a lot in store for my family
I just can't help: being moody
I regret: my life from 13-19
I love: my family
I can't live without: my family
I try to: to have patience
I enjoy: cooking sooo much
I don't care: i wish I didn't care what people thought
I always: worry about loved ones
I never want to: lose any more loved ones
I rely on: myself
I believe: that motherhood requires sacrifice
I dance: every day with my girls and ONLY my girls
I sing: lullabies every night
I argue: during a special week and a half of every month, with EVERYONE
I write: every day and love it
I win: usually nothing, which is ok!
I lose: my mind when I am stressed
I wish: I could see 5 yrs down the road to see who and where we will be
I listen: to music all day long (Amy Seely is the bestest)
I don't understand: people sometimes
I forgot: to switch the laundry
I am happy: when my house is content

Evonne and I basically are twelve years old, and decided to do an Iron Chef Challenge. I wanted her to try Black Bean Brownies which she tried...about 3 crumbs worth but her cutie daughter LOVED THEM. TOTALLY chose mine over her Mom's, boo ya Evonne! You might not find this video as funny as we did, but who cares we had a blast!

When I first met Evonne I knew instantly that I wanted to be her friend. I knew I could trust her, depend on her, not worry about what she thought of me and could feel how genuine she was right away.

My Five Top Reasons Why Evonne is the Bestest

#5 I love having her as my "wing man" or WO-man I should say.

#4 We complain to eachother about silly insecure things but don't have to worry about sounding dumb to each other cause we totally understand each other.

#3 She is a sweet Mama and wife and reminds me to be better every day. My daughter just ADORES Savannah, we talk about her every single day.

#2 She works hard for her family and friends, I am amazed at all she does and really look up to her.

#1 Evonne is the BEST DANCER EVER, she is hilarious, fun and can LET GO! (which ps you need to teach me how to do)

Love you Evonne! So glad we met IRL and can be friends, and that now our daughters can be friends! Don't forget to visit Evonne over at



Cranberryfries said...

Vanessa you crack me up. It looks like you girls have a lot of fun together. Loved that Iron Chef video. I'm on my way over to check out your blog.

Krystal said...

what a fun idea to swap blogs... Vanessa seems super-cool (obviously if she's friends with you). And the iron chef competition looks great! I LOVE the idea of putting M&Ms in the brownies... I'll have to try that sometime. AND your dance moves are pretty much amazing! Looks like you've been having fun

Cal said...

love the video! you gals are too cute.

Fahrenheit 350° said...

Black bean brownies sound pretty good - I have to admit!

Kristina P. said...

You are both hilarious!

And I crave chocolate, but I also love blue cheese!

Jones - Keeping Up With Mom said...

OMGOSH! You're right! You guys are TOTALLY TWELVE! That should be the name of your group in which I will soon be getting an invite to and we can get matching jackets and somethin'...K bye!

Pamela said...

I remember you guys talking about this at MWMI '09 and now it is all making sense. I had to laugh just a bit, very cute!!

Amber! said...

You guys both rock it out!

dust and kam said...

okay, so maybe the reason I haven't watch these videos are because nothing shows up for me. :( Maybe I will have to go find a PC so I can watch them. I have no idea why it's not working. Lame.