I started off not really caring if I made it breast feeding or not. I gave up quickly with Van, and I thought that I would have a similar experience with Vin.
That wasn't the case this time around. Vin was good at it, and it made it easy for both of us.
Vin seemed to change this past week, and not just in weight. ;) He was screaming all. the. time. It was really ridiculous. With a few calls to the Dr...it was determined that Vin has colic. One morning specifically I remember telling Paul that he was lucky that Vin and I had both made it through the night alive. It was that hard.
After a lot of research, asking questions, and my mommy instincts...
I went off all caffeine. gasp.
No Coke.
No chocolate.
3 days in, my perfect baby is back.
Oh, and let me mention I am a firm believer in swaddling, and gripe water. You expecting mothers...have that shiz on tap. Night and day difference.
I know I said that I didn't care whether I breast fed or not. I know I said that I wasn't ever going to change my diet. I know I said a lot of things...I take it all back.
I love nursing and my babe enough to give up Coke.
And that my friends says A. LOT. doesn't it?
Some fun short videos...
Vin before gripe water, pacifier, and being swaddled...
Vin after...told you it was a night and day difference!!
This is not making my baby hating any better. No chocolate? They ruin everything! ;)
oh trust me Kristina...I thought the same thing.
I'm so glad you found something that worked so well. My last baby was HARD. Not officially colic, but honestly, never happy. I tried all kinds of changes in my diet, but NOTHING worked. It was like that until he was 6 months old and started crawling. After that, all was well. But up until then, man. It was hard.
the fact that you're giving up coke pretty much says it all! I don't know that anything could make me give up my diet coke at this point :) ANNND, can I just say, that first video should be a PSA for teen pregnancy prevention! lol.... if that doesn't make you want to wait, I don't know what will! lol...
Oh. My. Gosh. Those videos paired together are adorable. I love it. Good for you!
I'm glad cutting out those things worked for little Vin. I tried that with all my babies (spicy food, caffeine, soda, chocolate, dairy) and nothing made a difference. But after three months they settled down and it was good from there on out! I am SO glad he's doing better--perhaps you'll get some of your sanity back!
Yay! So glad to hear you both are doing much better-You are such an amazing mommy-What a lucky Lil'guy!
Take care-ooxoo Me
Love love the videos! It's ok for me to say that I love his cute baby screams, because I didn't have to live with them for days ;).
Ew! You drink Coke? No wonder he wasnt happy...gotta get ya some Dr Pepper....caffeine free perhaps?
Have you gotten rid of the withdrawl headaches yet??? It takes about a week!! Glad he is doing better!! You are a good mommy!!
Oh YAY! I am glad he is back to normal. I had to give up dairy when I nursed Josh. To this day I don't really like dairy now. WEIRD... maybe you will feel the same about caffiene. ;-)
Aww... he's so cute! I am glad that things are improving. You are such a good momma!
Gage didn't really ever cry... until all the hospital stays. The nurses taught him how to scream.
I'm so glad that you found something that works! Having a colicky baby is NO fun....our first was colicky for 3 looooooong months. Unfortunately, 20 years ago, we didn't have gripe water. You are sol lucky!
What brand of gripe water do you use? I had never heard of it before you mentioned it so I've been researching it on the internet. I figure I better get myself well-stocked for the coming months. :)
oh thank goodness! I like less cry-y vin much more!! :)
I'm sorry, I had to go stay away from chocolate with Hailey too and it was miserable! But it was the only think that kept me away from chocolate! It wasn't worth the screaming child!!! Good luck!!!
I nursed six babies and never heard of gripe water!!! Guess I was lucky! My boobs? Not so much....
I've never heard of gripe water either!! Can I please come hold him??
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