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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

wordless wednesday: it only took 2+ weeks for him to finally start liking bath time. phew.


Kristina P. said...

He looks thrilled!

Kalli said...

uh it took my kid like 5 months. Now I can't get him out of it when tub time is over.

Emily said...

I love when kids love bath time. Yay!

Aubrey said...

Such a cutie!

Tiffany said...


Steph said...

Dood... I think his newly appointed Auntie Steph (I appointed myself you see) should be there for the next bath. I love babies!

Jerilee E. said...

I agree, he looks completely over-joyed ;). My babies always screamed through the bath for the first weeks. So much easier when they finally relax and enjoy it! Love baby bath pictures!

dust and kam said...

Luckily, Gage loves his baths. Yay! (well... he did. It's been awhile. :P )