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Sunday, May 10, 2009


I have pondered this post most of the week. I have been crazy emotional about Mother's Day. There is not just one thing that I can say is making me this way. It is a bunch of things.(my sista and I with our babies!)

I can remember being as little as 5 years old, and dreaming of being a Mother one day. It is what I have always wanted to do. Every year for Christmas it was a guarantee that I would ask for the "new" and "hip" baby doll. I played with my baby dolls until at least 7th grade, pathetic huh? Some 20 years later I still only want to be a Mother. It is instilled in my very being.
Van is my dream come true.
She is the best gift that I could have been given.
Van is what I always wanted. My world is complete with her in it.
Mommy loves you, Savannah!

Dreams do come true...I have you!

Happy Mother's Day!


Emily Christine said...

What a sweet post! Happy mother's day!!

Amber! said...

What a great tribute to a! You are a great mom!! Happy Day!

Tiffany said...

Oh you are so sweet! I am so sad I didn't win the camera... Oh well! I hope you had a fabulous Mother's Day!!

brandon and jakell said...

Hope you had a great deserve it!

Anonymous said...

This totally warmed my heart! The pictures of you and your little girl are so sweet - she is lucky to have you. Thanks for reminding me that the best Mother's Day present are the little ones I get to spend every day with.

Rebecca said...

Those are such sweet pictures. I love mommy/daughter pics.