Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Lorken Food Finery Hype Party <3
Disney Giveaway
If you tell me what your favorite Disney movie is I will enter you in to my giveaway. I will be giving you a Disney DVD that you want.
***Okay readers...your favorite Disney movie, and the Disney movie that you want can be two different movies. =) We realize that some of the DVD's are not available.***
Show Van some comment love! Van is excited to see all of your favorite Disney movies!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Another Hype PartAY!
I hope that I see some familiar faces, or some of my readers that I haven't met in IRL.
Dunk Tank, nuff said!
Gas, the kind you put in your car =)
Debbie said...
I dont know about the drilling in Alaska to make a real smart choice but for years I have thought we should be doing more up there that we're doing now. It's just nicer to think that our country can do more to be self-sufficient instead of having to depend on others.
Where are you going to go on a free tank of gas?
E-mail me so I can get it mailed out to you. =)
Happy Monday friends!
Cherish Bound & Timpanogos Story Telling Festival
This event was held at the Orem City Library, and I followed the smell of Blue Lemon to where I found all the girls mingling. Remember the salad I raved about a month ago? I got to have it again, and it was just as good.

(Wendy a story teller, Big Bruce a story teller, and Carol from Cherish Bound)
Cherish Bound is one of the sponsors of the festival, and Carol was there to help us get excited about making our own stories! Cherish Bound helps you make these fantastic photo/story books for all your treasured memories. I have been working on my Cherish Bound book all weekend, and I am totally diggin' my end result. With all the craziness that is taking place in my life right now, I have kind of been slackin' on the scrapbooking...this is an easy and quick way to catch up.
AND no post would be complete without showing you some of my girls!Jones and I
Kim and I
Rebecca, myself, and Vanessa
Cherish Bound also does parties...so I was thinking how fun it would be to have everyone bring over their laptops, and we could sit and chit chat....and makes books!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Food Review: Main Street Deli
In South Jordan, Utah (of course!)
yeah, I look as bad as I feel!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Swine Flu: Update
My symptoms:
- scratchy throat
- cough
- hold/cold flashes
- little bit of congestion
- slight headache
Did you know that when adults go and get tested for the Swine Flu that only 30% of the results are actually accurate. People are being told that they don't have it, and they really do. That is what happened to my friend, and then when he went back a few days later...he was tested again, and was told he did indeed have the Swine Flu. Oh, and when you don't get in the early stages like I did...you just have to let it run it's course. You can't take the medication at that point, because it won't help. Lovely huh?
The thing that I feel the worst about is that I went to an event last night, and mingled with a lot of you that are going to read this. I HAD NO IDEA THAT I HAD ANYTHING WRONG WITH ME! I would have NEVER come knowing that I was going to give you anything, but my love! I am truly sorry if any of you get it. I will owe you chicken noodle soup for a year, or should I make the person that gave it to me owe you and I both chicken noodle soup for a year!?
So, what is on the agenda for the weekend? I have been sentenced to my bedroom with the laptop...no contact with the outside work, except for my blog, e-mail, and twitter. Not that I don't love blog stalking, and reading random twitter updates, I do...I just don't look forward to 72 hours straight of it.
Swine Flu
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I really am sad.
I don't care what you say...I love Michael Jackson for his music and dancing!! I only dream of being able to groove like him, and look good doing it. I am sad that there will be no chance of more music, and no chance of me ever seeing him in concert. {tear}
You can comment as long as you promise to not make fun of me, -k-?!
We all {heart} CUPCAKES!
You must try this place out...even if you don't live in the Provo area it is worth the trip.
1227 S University Ave in Provo...of course!
Check out their site so you can drool over everything...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Celebrate good times...come on!
I absolutely loved the presentation! Who would have thought of using large martini glasses for condiment dishes!? So fancy!
All of this food made me more excited for the conference. I still can't believe that it will only cost $5 to add this kind of a meal to your ticket. Let me just tell you, this ain't no Mickey D's peeps!
Has any of you signed up yet?
You don't have to be a Mom to come...so don't use that one as an excuse! =) Do you feel like none of the topics that are being discussed are things that you are interested in? Then just come to hang out with the girls. It will be fun!!! =) Can't wait to hear who is going to make it!!
Wordless Wednesday: Friends
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Guest Post by Paul with a GIVEAWAY!
I once heard that we (USA) had enough oil to last us the next 20 years or more. So, I did some research. I found out that we do have a supply of over 700 million barrels of oil. That sounded like a lot until I realized that would only last us about 33 days. I found out that the oil we have is currently under the ground in Alaska.
I don't know about you, but I don't understand why we aren't trying to get that oil. I know, conservationists will say we are ruining the wildlife and the land we have. I say that's true, but at what cost are we saving it? If I'm not mistaken, the Gulf War was basically about oil. We wanted it, the Middle East controls it. I'm guessing that the last war we were in (is it still going?), probably had something to do with oil too. Although, we were told it was about weapons of mass destruction (never found), that's a whole different topic. My point is, can't we work something out so that we can control flow of oil in America, as opposed to counting on others. Why not force the companies who drill for oil in Alaska to pay a sizable portion of what they make to rebuild wildlife elsewhere? There has to be a better way.
I often hear how it is our fault because we consume too much oil, that we drive gas guzzlers that fund terrorists. I believe it was GM, Chrysler, and Ford who got rich selling these vehicles to us, and who are now broke because we stopped buying them. Then, our government decides to use our tax dollars to bail them out. Hmmm...is that confusing to anyone else? If you want us to use less oil, make it easier and cheaper for us. Why do Hybrids cost more than normal cars? A Hybrid Civic costs about $10,000 more than a normal Civic. That would take like 10 years to break even, no point in doing that!
What do you think America should do to solve the problem?