When Paul and I were dating he told me that he never wanted to have children. Being the naive 17 year old that I was, I didn't believe him. I think that I started to believe him after year 3 of being married...and still no children. I finally convinced him year 5 of marriage that it couldn't be just him and I forever.
The day of delivery came, and Paul was so unbelievably nervous to become a Daddy. Paul really didn't know if he was making the right decision by bringing our daughter in to this world. He doubted his capabilities to be a good father, but I never did. The moment Paul saw our gorgeous blue eyed-blonde haired Van there was a bond. A bond that is still there to this day.
66 days after giving birth to Van, I went back to work. This is when I gained a whole new respect and love for the person that I chose to start a family with. Paul is the man that rocked our baby to sleep every night, comforts her when she has an ow-e, takes her out during sacrament meeting, and cleaned poop out of the carpet when she had "accidents"! Paul handles the role of being a Father with grace. When I call to check up on things, I never hear of anything that might have gone wrong during the course of the night. Van has often said to me when I have been home at night "when are you going to work?" She loves her alone time with him, and I don't blame her...I do too! =)
Paul will always give Van his extra quarters to ride on one of those silly rides, extra pennies to throw in the fountain to make a wish, and trusts Van to do things that I don't.
I am sometimes jealous of the relationship that Van has with her Daddy. In her words...I am lucky, Mommy! I look at it as I am lucky too, I picked an awesome man to build my family with. We didn't have the same ideas on when to start it, but we make a great team as Mommy and Daddy.
Happy Fathers Day to you hon! Van and I love you!
How sweet. He sounds like an awesome Dad. I have had many friends tell me their men didn't want children. Then, their children were born. Everything changed then and there. You little girl will grow up adoring him forever, and hopefully she will grow up holding every man to high standards due to her awesome Daddy. I know I did thanks to my awesome Daddy :o)
This is a great post, Evonne! He is an awesome dad.
Ah, so neat. Happy Fathers day to Paul!
Love this post, you are so sweet! Happy father's day paul
Happy belated Father's Day. I was lucky enough to get a year off with my kids which is sadly almost over. Best thing that ever happened to me.
So sweet. I love that picture. She started out as a sweet little blondie! I've never seen such a blond newborn (not that I've seen that many newborns, but hey)
I have never seen a brand new baby with that much blond hair, either! Such a sweet post... we love the daddys!
What a nice tribute to your husband. Thanks for all the suggestions & advice you gave me on Saturday.
paul basically rocks!
you guys are awesome parents!
aaah, you guys are all too kind! Paul and I both were a little shocked when Van came out with that full head of blonde hair! =)
Love this picture...LOVE...look at all the hair on that baby of yours. Holy smokes woman...and it is all BLONDE...what the?!
Paul sounds like the best daddy...love it when our men are real men by being Dad's...
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