Father's Day Giveaway!
With Father's Day fast approaching, are you scrambling to figure something out for your man, baby Daddy, Father in Law, brother, son, and Dad? I know that every time a holiday comes around, I have the hardest time shopping for Paul. Well, look no further, here is your chance to win something for that special MAN in your life... 
I made Paul try these on, and let me say...hott, hott!! Do you want to see your special someone look hott too?
You might be the lucky winner, and save yourself $135.
Oh, and if you are a follower, I will give you 5 extra entries.
The winner will be chosen on June 16th @ Midnight MST.
Holy Moly, I get the #1 comment!! Woot woot! Andrew would look totally HOT! And way cooler than my new shirt and tie idea for Father's Day... Yep I'm lame!! I need awesome lessons from you....
count me in! Although I might need to put a tracking device on them, Lance is always losing his sunglasses!My hubby should get them because he is named Lance too!
Commenter and a follower - six chances to win, right?!
Please to pick me. My sunglasses were stolen when our home was burglarized.
And we're followers too!
Um, I would like to see a picture of Paul in these :-)
I am a follower too.
My baby daddy would love these! Lindsey Lewis
My Dad would LOVE these. He's gotta be lookin' good in his sunglasses. Never leaves the house without them.
I'm a follower. :)
Dude so i get one for commenting but how do i become a follower? I'm new to this blog thingy. i posted this on my facebook thing does that count?
So, I'm pretty sure my husband got some homemade cards and a candy bar last Father's Day, so ANYthing would be an improvement over that! Oakleys would be great for him because he's got a freakishly small head and all other sunglasses make him look like a little kid wearing his dad's glasses. Seriously.
I'm a follower!
My husband really needs some sun glasses. We live in sunny Arizona. I would love to win these for him for Father's Day.
I am a follower too.
Thanks for the chance to win.
wooo! better get the baby daddy something! :] help me out!
FOLLOWER! :] loveya!
I would love to give those to Dustyn for "Best Husband in the Whole Wide World" day...
Oh... and you are choosing the winner on Dustyn's birthday... that has got the mean something, right? *fingers crossed*
Oh and of course I am a follower! Cause your a fav.
Very cool shades!
And I follow of course.
Oakley? are you kidding me?
my hubby only DREAMS of owning those.
My husband probably doesn't deserve these after what I got for Mother's Day but I would love to win them for him!
I'm a follower too!
My dad probably wouldn't wear these but my husband would love them (he'll be a dad really soon). Hopefully he won't scratch them like he did his other oakleys.... grrr.
These are perfect for Father's Day! My husband would for sure look hott wearing them on a motorcycle ride with me!! I have my fingers AND toes crossed!
OMG those would look so hott on my boyfriend, who is a father of 3 daughters (oldest 14, then 10 & 8). Much love for your blog and I love all your giveaways!! :)
This is a dream for my husband. Please, please make it come true!! =)
As I am Margaret's secretary these days, I just wanted to enter her in this cuz hubby #1 would look super cool in these shades! She said and I quote " those are the coolest shades ever"!
Also she keeps asking me how to get extra enteries and I tell her she needs her own blog and to become a follower.... which really means... can you help us???
From Margaret via Tammy
Hubbs would definitely look hott and seriously anything would beat the $2 pairs (as in he bought 2 because they were so cheap) of sunglasses that he bought at Big Lots and then two weeks later wondered why one pair broke and the other leaves black marks on his nose (serious here). He replaced such sunglasses two days ago with a $5 pair that he thinks will far outlast the others. He was serious, I was about to laugh my gutts out. He might not know what to do with Oakley's but I know for sure that he will never be buying such cheapies again!
And I am a follower. You can hunt me down :-)
I agree with Margaret and Tammy. We totally need to win this for hubby! The poor guy has to claim all three of us for wives...can't think of anyone more deserving. And I am officially a follower now so I get extra points!
nice! I'm in :) I'm a follower too.. wish me luck!
Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!
Thanks for your nice comment on my blog! Looks like I got here just in time to enter!
And you are completely adorable.
Woo!!! Nice one! Thanks!
I follow too!
bunnybx at gmail . com
Oh, yea! I TOTALLY want these for the hubby! The last time he had some nice shades were before we were married, and didn't have kids and school and life to pay for instead of some nice shades! Hope I win! And yup! I totally am a follower! :)
Those are sweet!!! And i just officially became a follower too! ;)
Comment, comment, comment!!!! I totally need these because I can't think of ANYTHING for Eric for Father's Day! Except socks! I can't just give him socks for Father's Day!!!! If I comment more than once does that help my chances? he he he!
My hubby needs these! He had Oakley's waaaayyy back when we dated, but the budget hasn't had room for a new pair.
These would look HOT on my man!!! HA!!!
I thought I already left a comment but it's not here? What the heck?
So I do want to win these cool glasses for my brother or brother-in-law! Will see which one is the nicest to me!
I would love to give these to my man!
lookin good I want to win!!! I'll even be a follower!!!!
That is a HOT sunglasses and definitely a good idea gift for Father's Day
Well, we ALL know that Dan all ready looks hot but I do want to throw on the extra "t!" Sign me up!!! And, I couldn't find your post on Sassy Scoops. What was it under?>
My husband would so dig those sunglasses! They are HOTT!
Excellent giveaway!
**I follow too!**
Wow, I would love to give these to my husband. I don't think that I could fit these into my budget unless I won. Thank you for a great giveaway.
Oooo so sexy. I'd love to get these suckers for my hubby.
(And I just became a follower)
I am a follower :) 5 More entries :)
I would love to see hubby wearing those.
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