The New Hott Item...
I am sure that you have all heard that Kristen Steward and Rob Pattinson are an "item". Now the question is what do you think of it? Of course I had to pick up the check out stand mag, and read all the gossip on their relationship. Did you know that Kristen broke up with her ex Michael Angarano during the filming on New Moon? From what it sounds like she just avoided him, instead of actually breaking up with him. I didn't like Twilight. I thought Kristen and Rob had no chemistry on I am hoping that this will make New Moon better, because the preview looks absolutely 100 times better. How long will this last? Are they only hookin' up now, because they are spending a lot of time together? Or for publicity? Give me your feedback.
You know I wasn't impressed with twilight when I first saw it because of the awkwardness between those too. Maybe they just had that "high school" crush thing going on. We'll see. Even though I didn't really like it I will watch the next one.
Oh man, I LOVE Twilight and at my wits end because my dvd has disappeared!!! I keep the books and movies completely separate in my mind... Anyways, I saw some mags stating the same thing, I hope it helps the chemistry in New Moon too, but I think it might just be publicity... I will just say Rob is HOTT! In my opinion...
ok. I heart you for posting this picture. the previews for the new movie look MUCH better. can't wait to see it. I think they've been hooking up since twilight. crazy kids.
I liked Twilight well enough but I totally agree that their chemistry was way off. I am so excited to see New Moon even if their relationship is all for piblicity- which I wouldn't doubt. I also just have to say that I'm pretty sure Kristen Stewart is high most of the time... MTV movie awards??
LOVED the books but that movie was PAINFUL to watch...their chemistry was way off but the movie was just SOOOO bad!!
I think Hollywood actors always fall for their co-stars. They seem to have a hard time seperating reality from fiction.
If it is a real romance, then I think it will make the movie much better...but then again, what happens when they break up and "the powers that be" want to do the next book? Awkward!
I really hope the 2nd movie is good! The first one was such a let down! I hope they are together so the chemistry will be perfect!
I LOVE the series but can't stand either actor. They better do better in New Moon or I'm quitting the movie scene.
Hi. Rob...needs to put his shirt back on, I'm thinking. I just threw up in my mouth. Okay I made that up. I didn't REALLY throw up in my mouth, but you could see how I might be able to, right? Maybe? Hopefully they won't break up before the last movie(s) so there isn't crappy tension on set for that. Mmmmkay, bye.
i haven't heard anything about this.
I really didn't like either one at first, but they have both grown on me, a little. I can't make my final decision until Nov 21st.
I saw that you were going to be at Kristina's lunch and thought I'd stop by and say hi. Hi!
I didn't know this was confirmed. Is quite interesting. I thought they had chemistry in Twilight, but I am horribly easy to plase when it comes to entertainment. New Moon does look like a much better movie already, though.
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