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Friday, July 31, 2009

My Fresh Start.

(Van going cRazY...trying on baby clothes!)

I have a lot of bad habits. I want to change. I want to become someone different, someone better. I don't want to be what genetics tell me to be, or what I was taught to be. I want to defy all odds.
I started reading a new book called Growing-Up Organized today. This might be shocking to some, it is even shocking to me that I am actually reading something that doesn't have to do with vampires. After 60 something pages, I am feeling renewed and ready to conquer.
Lately my life has been like a time bomb went off in all aspects. My house is never clean anymore, our "Old Blue" broke, I can't remember anything, oh...and did I mention that I'm pregnant? Most people wouldn't be phased by all the craziness, but I am a bit frazzled.
I need to get organized. My first project is Van's closet. I know it should be my schedule that I tackle first, but every day I go into Van's room and look at the mess billowing out of the closet doors...I get a little testy. It is time to get our schedule, house, and life back in to tip top shape. I have to do it or I might just go crazy before I even have Baby #2.
I'll let you know how it all goes...wish me luck. I will be taking before and after pictures of all my accomplishments.
Oh, and I completely forgot to mention. Lea Schneider, the author of said book, is going to be helping me along the way. Apparently she could tell from my blog that I might be going a little mad, and it was time to bring in the big dawgs!

My favorite thing Lea said in the book so far is...
This is going to be my motto while I tackle the closet.


Laura Marchant said...

I totally tackled the kids closets last week when I got an organizing bug up my butt. 2 huge laundry baskets filled with no longer fitting clothes have been sitting in the hallway since. I suck.

Cecily R said...

OH, we need to be IRL friends for real...and not just in passing at Thanksgiving Point. Seriously. Your description of your life is so close to mine its scary.

Well, except that I'm NOT pregnant and I'm probably LESS organized and I bet my house is MORE of a disaster. And...I'm scared of reading anything that teaches me about that stuff. You know, because I fear failure.

You let me know how it goes. Then I'll just live vicariously through you. :)

kendahl a. said...

Good luck! If you need help, holler. I'm OCD so organizing comes naturally to me. :)

Krystal said...

I like the "focus and finish" idea... I am so disorganized and I don't have a husband, kid, or pregnancy to blame it on... just this ugly thing called grad school... (you should see how I've over-taken my parents' dining room table... it is my craft table / desk!) Now that I have my very own table, I have been told to get my crap off of theirs!! SO, as soon as I'm done cleaning my messes, I will help you with yours :) my problem is that I have so many messes, and it feels too overwhelming and I don't know where to start... so I just do nothing :) bad Krystal...

Tiffany said...

Good Luck with that! I want that book, I need that book, I'm going a bit mad myself and I don't have pregnancy to blame, just a lack of storage space.... Or at least that is what I tell myself... My boys' room is a D-ISASTER! I have SO many clothes to go through in the next month!! AHHHHHHH

Burkes said...

I was SOOOOOO forgetful when I was pregnant! Are you nesting already? Don't be so hard on yourself! Enjoy the mess! Don't be someone are great!!! Hopefully the hormones will mellow out soon! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Burkes don't get your undies in a wad just relax and enjoy your pregnancy you have at least 7 months to get organized.

love you

zoo keeper said...

i love it!! since having kids i've actually become a.d.d. so this is going to my mantra "Focus and Finish"
It was so fun to meet you at the summer retreat, super cute blog!!

Lea Schneider said...

Thanks Von for your great comments. I wrote the book because it really isn't fun feeling like you are going crazy!

As a mom, there are times when I've felt pulled in pieces. Everything seems to need doing at once. If anyone thinks that I am talking to myself, I am probably muttering "focus and finish."

Just in case you're hunting for a copy of Growing Up Organized, you'll find it on

Happy organizing! Lea