Today in Utah it is a holiday...Pioneer Day. The celebrations are a lot like the 4th of July. Fun right? Um, that is what we thought before this happened...
I had to work, and was away from my desk when a fellow co-worker came to find me in the warehouse. I can't remember what he said, but something a long the lines that Paul is stranded because your car blew up. Just freakin' peachy! Paul and I always have something bad happen like this on a holiday or a weekend. Maybe we are just lucky like this. =)
Our "Old Blue" is just that, OLD. We have driven this car for the past 9 years, and it probably has 300,000 miles on it. We would know exact miles, but the speedometer quit working approximately 4 years ago...oh, and we didn't fix it.
We knew that this was the end to "Old Blue". We headed straight to the Larry H Miller to our guy Wayne. We bought our new "Tango", and sold "Old Blue" for $1. {tear}
This was not in our plan for at least another year, but I do have to say that Wayne made everything smooth, easy, and fun. We had just bought the "Silver Bullet" from him a year ago, and he is familiar with Paul's forceful, quirky ways!
(How funny are these two together? Paul and Wayne aka GREATEST Sales Guy!)
Of course Van's favorite part of the experience is ALL the free popcorn and soda that she could handle in 4 hours.Our "Old Blue" is just that, OLD. We have driven this car for the past 9 years, and it probably has 300,000 miles on it. We would know exact miles, but the speedometer quit working approximately 4 years ago...oh, and we didn't fix it.
We knew that this was the end to "Old Blue". We headed straight to the Larry H Miller to our guy Wayne. We bought our new "Tango", and sold "Old Blue" for $1. {tear}
This was not in our plan for at least another year, but I do have to say that Wayne made everything smooth, easy, and fun. We had just bought the "Silver Bullet" from him a year ago, and he is familiar with Paul's forceful, quirky ways!
Some of you might have thought I was going crazy by cutting Coke out of my regular diet, but I don't want to get the baby addicted too early. LOL
We are excited, especially Van. We look forward to our Spring babe. =)
Oh my gosh Von I'm so so so excited for you guys. Congrats on #2!! How exciting. Oh yeah and the new car of course is way awesome too.
congrats!!! I'm so happy and excited for you! You're going to be a great mommy times 2!
yay! congrats- that's so exciting!! I did kinda wonder with the Coke thing.. cuz the only time I ever stop the caffeine is when I'm pregnant!
Oh my goodness!!!! I am so excited for you guys! I wish that I was ready to have a baby so we could be prego together!!! Love you!XOXOXOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXOXOOXOX
YAY!!! This is so exciting! I love that you snuck this in there. :)
HOLY CRAP. Congrats.. I am thrilled about your new car,but seriously, so excited for the new baby!
I am sorry about "Old Blue" This is how I felt when I totaled my very own "Old blue" about 6 weeks after moving into our house. And congrats on baby #2!!!!
That is so exciting! Congratulations! (on both the new car and the expected little one!) I'll bet Van will be the best big sister! :)
That is so exciting! Congratulations! (on both the new car and the expected little one!) I'll bet Van will be the best big sister! :)
From Old Blue to ClearBlue....congratulations to the both of you!
YAY!!! I'm SO SO SO excited for you!!! Sorry Old Blue became blew up...
I remember when you bought "old blue", I remember how you told me Paul had been reading books on how to deal with salesmen. I remember how you would collect soda cans and recycle them in Cali and use that for your gas money... How sweet it is that with a new baby comes that chance to make new memories in a new car. Congratulations!!
YAY exciting news! Good Luck with your pregnancy! We are so happy for you! and cool you got a new car too :) thats always fun..but would be better with out the payment :S Have a great day!
Congratulations!! I love babies, especially if they're not babies I have to take care of 24 hours a day. And congrats on the new car, too. :)
Oh my gosh!!! I was excited enough about the new car for you guys! BUT there is NOTHING better than baby news! Wow! How exciting for you guys! Congratulations!!!
congrats on both the new car and the new little guy or girl on the way!
you deserve all the happiness!
Congrats!!!!! That is so exciting. I can't wait for Bri/Vin to get here.
And a new car is always nice. Mine is always breaking down lately and I am about to take advantage of the "Cash for Clunkers" (which did you ask about that? You should have at least gotten $3500 out of Old Blue or would she have to have been running?). Anywho. So exciting to have a new car and a new babe cooking in the oven.
Oh my gosh! Congrats Von!!! On the new car AND the new babe!! May your pregnancy go smoothly. Take care.
man... I waited all night for you to post about the car and of course right after I turn off the computer you posted! So when do we get to see pictures of the new car?? AND... oh my goodness, as if a car weren't exciting enough... CONGRATS on the pregnancy!! I am so excited for you... can't wait to see the litle one! In other news, my table and chairs will be delivered Thursday, so I'll be sure to give you a full report... hopefully nothing gets broken in the process!
Congratulations on the new baby and thanks so much for coming to my blog and entering my giveaway! I really like your blog too, and I added you to my Google reader. :)
So EXCITING!!! Congratulations to the whole family! Van- your going to have so much fun! Paul- your going to be a great Daddy to this next little one, I'm sure of it.
And Evonne- your going to be awesome... as usual. How have you been feeling? Anything different this time around? Well, have fun with that new car and may all those memories stay close to your heart.
-How cool we are pregnant at the same time!!
Yeah!!! We are so excited for you all! Can't wait to see you next month!
awww i wuv you von von
So many things to comment on!
First - sorry about Old Blue, that's tough, but a new car is cool!
Second - Trolli eggs are delish.
Third - CONGRATS on your preggo eggo! That's sooooo exciting.
Sorry to hear "Old Blue" finally decided to take a different road expected...he knew you needed "Silver Bullet" for the new addition CONGRATS!!
Maybe I will have to make him/her a hooded towel, hope Van is enjoying it.
Congrats on both new additions!
Congrats! That is an adventure!
Congrats on the car and the baby! Both exciting new starts in your life. See you tonight at Bowlher! Are we required to wear bowling shoes? Hmmm.
Yipee!!!!! We are so excited for you!! Can't wait for another cousin! Hope you have a smooth pregnancy!!
Definite congratulations!!! It's about time!!! :) Hope everything goes well! And didn't take a picture of the new car???!!!
WHAT! I go away for a weekend and miss this big announcement! OMG! Congrats! I am so excited for you.
Congrats Evonne!! I am so excited for you guys! Babies are the best!
oh my goodness! I have been gettin' the third degree from my BFF's cuz I didn't share the BIG news with them! I am so happy for you, Paul and Van! I can't believe that you went cold turkey on me but it is for a totally cool hearing all of the details on this and the new car! See you later ;-)
OH my gosh! Shut up! Are you freaking kidding me? I am like jumping for joy right now! Why am I always such a slacker when there is an exciting announcement!!
So. excited. for. you.
Congratulations! Eeeek!! I am so excited for you!
(if I remember correctly, you *might* have mentioned something about a car, but I can never be sure. Congrats on that too! Not the car dying part though)
Today as I was sitting at the produce stand, I though, I wish I had Evonne's number, I would totally text her all day. lol :)
Awww, congrats Evonne!
I'm so excited for you - and it's about time!
I am a little late seeing this, but how have you been feeling? I completely remember when you were prego with Van - you would be in the middle of talking to me and have to run for the bathrooms! (which weren't at all close by)
Hopefully you won't get sick at all this time around!
So, what new car did you get?
Congrats again! YAY!!!
congratulations!!!!!!! ahhhh how exciting!!!
I go out of town and you announce a new baby? Not fair! I'm so glad you have the new header, or I would have missed this post!
I'm so excited for you!
Oh, and the new car from Wayne (I worked with him btw) is exciting too!
How exciting!! Congrats :D
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