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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Disney Giveaway

Because Daddy got to do a giveaway on my Mommy's computer...I (Van) want to do one too! Mommy asked me what my favorite Disney movie is Toy Story 2!

If you tell me what your favorite Disney movie is I will enter you in to my giveaway. I will be giving you a Disney DVD that you want.

***Okay readers...your favorite Disney movie, and the Disney movie that you want can be two different movies. =) We realize that some of the DVD's are not available.***

Show Van some comment love! Van is excited to see all of your favorite Disney movies!


Kristina P. said...

Van is so cute!

I love The Parent Trap. The original one. :)

Unknown said...

cinderella was always my fav growing up.

Tiffany said...

We LOVE Toy Story 2 as well! Mommy's favorite is Cinderella, or Meet the Robinson's...

Laura Marchant said...

We love the little mermaid. I think that DVD has been played countless times.

Jeninator said...

I'm Addie and I'm almost 3. My favorite Disney movie is Finding Nemo. If I could have a new Disney movie I would like Beverly Hills Chihuahua- I love puppies and so does my little sister.

Cal said...

I asked my kids -
Mason's is Meet the robinson's
and Ethans is Pirates of the Caribeann ( I know I slaughter the spelling of that)

Staci said...

My fav would have to be The Fox and the Hound. "Oooooo, I'm a hound dog" Love it!!!

Krystal said...

I also love Toy Story 2, and am excited for Toy Story 3 to come out next year... BUT my current favorite Disney movie is Enchanted :)

Brian Franklin said...

My favorite Disney movie is the animated "Robin Hood."

But, we already own two copies of that! So, I'd love to win "The Lion King" for our son. It's not far behind.

Kings said...

i love the little mermaid, but i want Wall*E SOOOO bad :) -- Love you Van!

Forsythe said...

My name is Blake and I am two I love Tarzan and I watch it at least once a day. I would love to have Lion King, Little Mermaid, or Finding Nemo!

Meagen Ridley said...

Well, sweet little Van, my favorite Disney movie is Toy Story!!


Jerilee E. said...

Sage is 3 and she loves Finding Nemo. Hali is 5 and her favorite is Cinderella. Bryn is 2 and can't get enough Alice in Wonderland. I am MUCH older and my faves are The Sword in the Stone and Beauty and the Beast. Strangely enough, my girls really want The Little Mermaid 2 or Jungle Book 2... but I'm not sure they are still available. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I like the the disney show Alice in Wonderland. I did a play on the show for school and I was the Queen of Hearts.

Amber! said...

Grayson: Uhhhhh, Imagination Movers (I think he needs some help)

Alora: Monkey, Ooo Ooo Ahh. (Jungle Book).

John (next door neighbor): Phineas and Ferb is my favorite.

Grayson: OOOOH!! Phineas and Ferb. I LOVE them, TOO!!

Richter's said...

I absolutely love Disney movies, My all time favorite is CARS.. Love it, watch it all the time.. You sure are a cutie VaN!!!

-nick and whitley- said...

OoOoOh i loooove enchanted! BUT Brynlee loves BOLT! is that disney?? i wasn't sure if that was disney or pixar?! OR BOTH!? haha.. love ya! VON AND VAN!

throuthehaze said...

my fave is The Lion King!

shane said...

My favorite movie has to A GOOFY MOVIE. Story of my life.

Amy W said...

I love Sleeping Beauty. Princess Aurora is the best and I love the "Once upon a dream" song.

brandon and jakell said...

We have too many favorites at our house! Love your choice Van, all the kids love that movie as well!

I like "Enchanted"
CamRee: High School Musical 1,2 & 3
Tryen: Cars
Hadi: Any pricess movie! And all HSM

not sure what new one we want yet..
Have a great day!

Holly R said...

My favorite is The Lion King. It is so good.

Rebecca said...

Beauty and the Beast or The Lion King or The Little Mermaid...oh how to choose!?!?!?

Coley said...

My favorite is Beauty and the Beast but Noah's favorite (the Lil' guy who rules the roost) is Cars!

Stephanie said...

Little Mermaid!!

Unknown said...

My favorite is Wall-e :D

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Mikayla. My momma reads your momma's blog lots! I love movie's with kids in 'em so my vote would be for either of the Parent Trap movies!

Lindsey said...

Colton and I love Cars and would love to own it!

Cranberryfries said...

My girls are always asking to do give aways on their blog but what a fun idea to let them do one on yours. (Since only like 3 people see my daughters private blog.)

My favorite movie is either Oliver and Company or Goofy Movie

My kids say:
K(6): The Little Mermaid/Cinderella
M(5): Toy Story/Enchanted
T(1): Cars

Camille said...

I know it's not out on DVD yet, but my new favorite is "UP"!!

Before that, it was the original Parent Trap - mostly because of the "twin" thing (I'm a twin as well).

My 4-yr-old's favorite is "Enchanted" (except for the scary dragon at the end)

The Girardo Family said...

I asked Maddie what her favorite was, and she said Cinderella 3. She loves that flick!! I think we've watched it a mere 10,000 times? Obviously we own it - hence the 10,000 lucky times it's been watched - so she would want a whole nother movie. The jury is still out as to which one. Pick me and I'll let you know which.

tlkcreations said...

I still cry every time I watch the Lion King, it is my favorite. Kenzie's favorite is Beauty and the Beast. Good job on your post Van, I love it!

Lori Killian said...

I love Cars!

Sam Jo said...

Tell Van sorry that it took me so long to comment on her beautiful post! I put a lot of thought into my answer! Since I am Disneys #1 fan I should say that one of the original Disney movies is my favorite but... Emperor's New groove is at the top of my list! Love you Van! Thanks for singing with me in the car the other day! You have mad skills! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO